I get the feeling the edge hogging will become even more situational than it already was; possibly entirely unviable
The picture indicates that it is now possible to out prioritize someone on the ledge without having to hit them off it. I can only speculate, but it is most likely that this out-prioritization will only occur when the ledge occupant is no longer invincible. If this is the case, this means that edge hogging will become immensely strict.
For instance, if you hog the edge and successfully use your invincibility frames to avoid ALL of your opponent's up-b hitboxes, there is still a good chance that they'll still be able to out prioritize your ledge occupancy if their up-b has any kind of hang time (such as Marth). This also means that characters who recover high and fall to the ledge in special fall (helpless state) cannot be edge hogged unless the edge hogger is invincible.
Factor in the new stats that determine the amount of the invincibility frames (which would seem to be more air time and more damage = more invincibility frames) then base invincibility frames could be lower than it was in previous games. This more or less leads to the conclusion that edge hogging timing will stricter and that recovering players will have more potential.
I don't necessarily think this is bad news, but if onstage edge guarding is nerfed by auto-sweet spotting then Smash 4 will effectively become the easiest game in the series to recover in.