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[Wii + Online] Any tips to reduce lag?


Smash Rookie
Jan 31, 2015
So I just set up my pm with wifi on my Wii for the first time today and I played a few online matches. They were all laggy, some of them unplayable (3+ second delay) with only one of them being -kind of- decent (maybe 1.5 sec lag)

I know for a fact the problem is not my connection, so is there anything I can do to my Wii or PM install to reduce the lag? Or is it always this way and people just get used to it?
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Smash Champion
Jan 16, 2014
Ventura, CA
It's always that way. The only way to make it better is to play someone closer to you. But it will still be laggy. That's because WiFi goes through a server before the inputs reach your opponent. Dolphin Netplay on your pc is the least laggy way to play online because it's peer to peer; no server. You usually get about 4-5 frames of lag on there.
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