Yestercades in Red Bank NJ has been terrible and not very progressive for the smash community as of recent. Last spring, they would have tournaments with all smash games, marvel, injustice, etc. I live in central jersey only 30 minutes away, and it's very disappointing how lacking the events are. Of course the do have Tunes Tuesday, but it is only melee. For someone who knows they are not going to get a pay out, it is 10$ or 15$ for venue and 10$ to enter a bracket you know you're not going to get extremely far in but just want to do it for fun and play friendlies? Thats crazy. It blows my mind on how Conti can run such good tournaments weekly with virtually the same amount of space to play, lower venue and bracket fee, great smash 4 and PM set ups considering how little resources he has and his current situation. But a classic video games arcade with multiple locations and all of the resources in the world can't even run decent tournaments on the regular. Like there are different bracelets for a different price on whether or not you can play THE ARCADE GAMES IN THE ARCADE and if you're seen wearing a 10$ bracelet playing around with an arcade game you just wanted to try, you can be kicked out? Bull****. What's the point.