A samus main!
Im unfamiliar with samus. Im assuming she uses more grounded attacks and specials?
- So what would she need to be a top tier character while still utilizing her same mvoes?
- What keeps her from being top tier?
- Can she be top tier if she had better air game?
- Can she be top tier if she had better ground game?
- Are grounded attacks and movements even useful in melee?
- How dependant is she on projectiles?
- Does she require tech skill?
- Would a new form of tech skill that requires fast inputs and a new option in her gameplan improve her tier position?
Itd be super awesome if you or other samus mains could answer any of these questions
1. Lose the floatiness. It keeps her from getting combo'd a lot but if she could spam her nair like fox could shffl she could outzone so easy, her nair hitbox is is big and fast.
2. Ironically it's her ground game, her strongest game; she just can't grab or jab or tilt/aerial as fast as fox/falco can shine/shield-grab, as fast as sheik can oos fair, etc.
3. Her nair is her best move; her uair is disjointed, interrupts other moves but the problem is you have to be underneath them; her bair comboes from her dtilt and dsmash on fastfallers. In short no, it's her floatiness that's the problem.
4. Yes. She could easily counter shines, have a normal grab game (chain grabs?), etc.
5. "In Melee" is a different question but a good Samus is a well-grounded Samus, you need to control ground, stay in shield when approaching, etc.
6. She's not dependent on projectiles, her missiles act more like filler moves than anything, so while she does rely on them she relies less on the 'projectile' part of them. i.e. while disengaging, missile while falling off platform, in their face in the air (situational), most used as a 'chase' after you knock them off edge, e.g. after bairing/nairing falcon.
7. Samus is one of the most technical characters, relying on precision mostly to be played at a high level. Although she's not 'fast', her playstyle is very 'flow-y' and it requires a lot of tech skill to make and keep it that way. Tech showcases:
Enter the Samus (Phanna)
Active Artwork - Samus Edition (Silent Wolf)
8. No, she would still fall victim to the problems with her movement/floatiness/speed, not unsimilar to Ganon. Her tech would have to break the assumptions of Melee for her to be considered top tier given her current setup, say, invincibility during her recovery, or a powerbomb type move, or her 'speed booster'/shinespark attack. One of the odd advantages she has is her floatiness though, as well as her recovery - if you made her dair immediate and a spike, no one would...dair edgeguard her, because her bombs+grapple+repositioning would be death for anyone. So she could float escape from comboes and bait off-edge.
To answer your primary question though, it's because aerials don't have large enough and powerful enough hitboxes to do that much damage. If a sheik's or fox's nair actually stunned someone's shield a massive amount, the nair-shine engages would be tremendous, or if the hitbox was big and disjointed then you would have aerial battles all day. The hitboxes are too close to the body for aerials to be that important, or they aren't powerful enough to aren't big enough (e.g. falcon's nair).
If you approached with only aerials the other person would just shield you.