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Why I don't love you Sakurai or Brawl

Dr. Hyde

Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2007
Sarasota, FL
So ****ing lame these ideas people on the other boards come up with.

It's like they are playing a spamming machine, like there's not a brain on the other side just a robot, no offense R.O.B.
These people, and I hope they read this are ****ing *********! There I didn't say it but I'm sick of seeing that everywhere.

Why do Olimar's throw pikmin (Forward +B)?

A: Because some ***@$$ Zelda is spamming Din's Fire first, Pit's spamming Arrows, Lucario is spamming Aura Spheres, the space animals are lasering, Diddy is throwing the best possible projectile in the game, Samus is double missiling in every jump, Zamus and playing gay with the whip, Shiek is throwing needles, Snakes lobbing an army of goods!! **** everyone is a spammer!

So seriously. People don't want Olimar to spam pikmin because they are gay, yet they want to spam their own projectiles because for them that makes it fair, being the projectile character and me not having any projectiles makes it FAIR.

I played melee with just Jigglypuff and Ganondorf for like 5 yrs. I never had a chance to use projectiles. I chose a brand new character once he was announced on the Dojo site.

Now I have three characters I play and one happens to use a projectile and I prefer just to smash face with normal attacks. But the second people see Olimar, "OOOOooooh its AN Olimar?!" X_X *sigh* "I guess you are just gonna win you campy *****!"

The point I'm trying to make here and I hope I don't get banned for doing this is everyone can projectile spam. However, there are those who are better and above such a low level of playing that choose to forgo the blessing that they were given to prove to other that they are wrong. I really want people to stop looking at Olimar as a person who sits back and camps, he isn't.

So please don't spam. but if you do, don't ****ing complain to me when I do to you what you did to me. If you start spamming, I just attack, I may even throw a pikmin, probably a purple to knock you dawn and stop you from spamming. But know how everyone has a sense of what is right and wrong on the forums that would probably make me a spammer. And the second that you form that word, "Spammer" in your lips and before the air blows out your mouth I will be a lame spammer, the like of which you have never seen and you will lose. And I will be such a lame ***hole about it cause you had to start something.

And one more thing Oli say: "Only you can prevent forest spammers!"

All the above characters that I listed as able to spam are not considered gay until they start being gay. Except Snake, **** he's awesome no matter what.

The |Egg| Sniper

Smash Apprentice
Feb 14, 2006
In other words: There's a lot of people out there who play the game, but don't know how to PLAY the game. However, pretty much every spam listed above can be countered in a non-spam way. Let's be honest: If you're good at catching items, you can counteract the item projectiles. Sidedodge/roll dodge timing is all you need for non-items.

I agree with others, but then again I don't. If you spam, so be it. But there's a much more innovative way of playing the game.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 26, 2007
Camping and spamming has been buffed in Brawl, theres no doubt about it. However I don't believe it is the end or death of Brawl, it can be overcome and beaten, simply not as easily as in SSBM. A good Falco before is somewhat comparable to campers now, however theres far more of them and it requires far less skill to effectively spam. So dodging rolling and spacing is all i can suggest, work your way to the distance where if he uses a projectile you can very likely punish the attempt. The hardest part is learning to find that tight spacing, not accidentally rolling too close or staying too far. Jumping in and landing at this same distance works as well. Its not a fun game to play, but if you get good enough at beating the camping they'll be forced to not do it any more.

Olimar certainly has gotten an undeserved bad reputation. When the game was new people were unsure how to deal with his different play style, and rather than see their shortcoming just blamed the character. Play evolved but the first metagame wave was very defensive, and olimar's great grab range and having a projectile made people still feel he was unfair. Things have since settled down, but the general distaste for olimar lingered, putting us where we are now. Tough break perhaps, I don't think Olimar is broken, most likely not even the best character. Certainly isn't the easiest to learn nor easiest to win with. So none of the typical arguments apply, however the people who cry the most usually are not interested in logical discussion anyway. So theres not much we can do about it, and while frustrating all we can do is not let it bother us if possible. Just beat them, let them cry if they like, letting it get to you only helps them, but if you shrug it off and they make this decision in their minds that Olimar is cheap, its only gonna hurt them.



Smash Lord
Sep 3, 2007
True- you should have your own talk show. Telling people why hating Olimar just because a good player can pwn with him is pretty retarted.

Hyde- it isn't that hard to avoid a spammer, unless, of course, that spammer is snake.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 21, 2007
Thats why i play dedede you can stop almost all spammers witha waddle.
I beat a really good DDD the other day as Olimar. He hit me like once with a Waddle Dee in 5 matches, he was being attacked almost constantly by my Pikmin.


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2005
They say he's broken, yet they don't either use him or try to get around the spam somehow? It's part of the game, learn to deal with it.

Dedede has a hard time against Olimar. I've played both ends of the matchup, it sucks. :p

Funny thing is I'd beat many of the complainers with my Jigglypuff or Ganondorf too. I use about 1/2 the cast as secondaries...


Apr 10, 2008
Dr. Hyde- I can understand your reasoning behind posting this thread, but at the same time it's confusing to me trying to understand which side you're on? Do u mind spamming or do u resent it? idk, but having that said I'd like to present my side of the argument. Forgive me if this is you i'm talking about.

Now how do i say this nicely w/o sounding condescending...

It's a sad thing to hear that ppl decide to complain about spammers rather than come up w/ a solution for them. (us*, or at least me cuz it's a legit strategy in my opinion) The game designers of brawl wouldn't include a move that can't be countered or avoided. Period. Every move can be countered or avoided. Whether it's a simple grab or a complex advanced tech. They can be learned. EVERY bad situation can be either avoided or countered against! And unless you want to keep complaining, you can get over it, and find a way to beat it. For example, Wolf's fsmash can be uptilted, u can grab him in his shield, u can smash any of his b moves, and he's quite easy to edgeguard(in my opinion).

The ONLY exception is the fact that there are tiers in this sort of game. And some characters are naturally better than others. If all the characters in brawl that have spammable moves end up in the highest tier(in order of the best spammable moves!) then you might have a plausible complaint.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2008
Just ask!
Would it occur as a coincidence if the, quote unquote, top tiered characters, have little, if at all, spammable moves?

Here`s a tip:
Why not put yourself into the shoes of the spammer?
For instance, choose Pit and spam your B - arrows.
See how your opponent(s) get around it and learn with/from them.

Although finding a way around the spamming is tricky and time consuming, instead of spending y/our time ranting, mastering one`s evade-ability is time well spent.
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