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Why does olimar **** the PSI duo?


Smash Apprentice
Feb 24, 2008
Ok... So I've been playing with the computer for a few days now to find some new combos... I choose random for the computer, and I get to fight Olimar. Well, thats fine with me, I thought, Because as Kirby I don't really have a problem against computer Olimar. But I was playing as lucas, And I lost. Big. It was a 10 stock match, and when the match ended, he still had 6 stocks left. I tried again as Ness, with about the same results. If I lose to computer Olimar, then I must surely be defensless against players, right? Can anyone give me some advice on this?


Smash Rookie
Mar 20, 2008
Often times, you can think of a character and label them much like we do in RPGs and MMOs (sorry this might be the DotA in me talking)

Ness and Lucas are both short - mid range casters, meaning they heavily rely on their specials and not so much on the A button. Not to say they both don't have excellent comboing and sending abilities.
Now think of how a Ness/Lucas player plays. I don't use either myself, but I do play a decent Lucas a lot. (Not to say he's a pro)
I find they like to keep a distance, use an ability or two, normally stunning with pk fire, and then following up with a combo, throw or smash. That's their general strategy, again I'm not claiming to know Ness/Lucas.
Now Olimar on the other hand, is seen as a mid-long range sniper of sorts. He does heavy melee damage, which is hard to defend or counter as Ness/Lucas, and he can quickly change to a powerful smash send, and both of them are lightweights. Olimar also has his latch ability, by clinging a pikmin onto Ness/Lucas, they either take a decent amount of damage or knock it off, 1-3 hits depending on the color. In that time (which is a lot thanks to their laggy moves) Olimar will run + grab, throw, beat down, spike smash and whatever other fun stuff. Basically, their opposite types.

I see it as an archer killing a mage. They're fast, sneaky and powerful, while the slow yet powerful mage takes his time to hit. Now think of Olimar's main counters. The Starfox crew, Shiek, and other fast short ranged heroes, err I mean characters. Olimar is hard to fight at a range, but easy to wreck close up.


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2005
If you are fighting against computers, and lose, good luck against a real Olimar with those . ^_^

Seriously though, as Ness, if you have a pikmin latched to you, you are worse off if knocked off the stage than Olimar is. Why? Have you ever seen thunder eaten by a pikmin? It doesn't work nearly as well vs. Lucas, though.

My biggest piece of advice though is to play against humans if you are concerned about the matchup.


Smash Lord
Jun 17, 2004
Austin, TX
Lucas' neutral air leadins outprioritize and kill most Pikmin. A Lucas player will never give Olimar room to breathe in this matchup.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 13, 2008
Ok, this section is suposed to disscuss how to utilize Pikmin and Olimar better. not to complain about not being able to beat them, do that somewhere else


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
Ok, this section is suposed to disscuss how to utilize Pikmin and Olimar better. not to complain about not being able to beat them, do that somewhere else
Not really... I always assumed this thread was for ANY discussion of Oli' whether to improve him as your own personal character or as to improve AGAINST him as a worthy opponent.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Canada, ON
Often times, you can think of a character and label them much like we do in RPGs and MMOs (sorry this might be the DotA in me talking)

Ness and Lucas are both short - mid range casters, meaning they heavily rely on their specials and not so much on the A button. Not to say they both don't have excellent comboing and sending abilities.
Now think of how a Ness/Lucas player plays. I don't use either myself, but I do play a decent Lucas a lot. (Not to say he's a pro)
I find they like to keep a distance, use an ability or two, normally stunning with pk fire, and then following up with a combo, throw or smash. That's their general strategy, again I'm not claiming to know Ness/Lucas.
... that's not how Ness/Lucas work at all! Ness uses PK firevery little, especially compared to Lucas. These guys have powerful melee attacks, and their best chance is to use them.

If Olimar was owning the PSI kids, I would expect it to be because of this: Olimar is small, Olimar has hugely disjointed hitboxes, and is fast. His movement (mostly jump arc) is just such that, given Ness' and Lucas' jump arc, hitting him or defending yourself is tough.

To compensate, I would think Ness and Lucas should use MORE PK fire and thunder, not less. As mentioned, Pikmin throw can be owned with an Nair for either one. Make sure to take advantage of the Pikminless Olimar, though (if your opponent was dumb enough to chuck all his carrot-men). If he didn't throw them all, Nair.

To fight Olimar, you have to play more towards trapping or tricking your opponent, because Olimar is a slippy one, who can release powerful attacks like nothing. I don't want to advocate camping per se, but if you play more cautiously, and reactively (i.e., don't commit, although this is just general advice), you'll find that the Olimar is just as troubled by going aggro on you. Lucas and Ness are equipped with lightweight-ending moves they can use to punish missed attacks like nobodies business (the smashes).


Smash Apprentice
Feb 13, 2008
well... think of the people who use Olimar, like me, and my clan. We don't want to post on how to BEAT olimar, but how to USE olimar better. this just takes up space


Smash Cadet
Feb 19, 2008
well... think of the people who use Olimar, like me, and my clan. We don't want to post on how to BEAT olimar, but how to USE olimar better. this just takes up space
Yeah that's true, I want to learn new stuff with Olimar, not who can beat him the best.


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2005
Well, if you are learning about how people might attempt to beat Olimar, you can form a counter strategy, so it's not entirely a bad thing.


Smash Ace
Apr 8, 2008
I've had some trouble with Olimar as Lucas in the past, and his Pikmin range throw, (And grab) are quite the hassle. Also Olimar's nair is a real *****, though catching Olimar off guard with Pk thunder hits are a real good deal. Don't let Olimar get under you though, if you get knocked up, try to go off to the side and grab the ledge, and roll on.

dsmash is always great for catching Olimar off guard because of the multiple hits, and of course, nair as mentioned before is a real Pikmin killer.

Stay on your toes and stick to the ground.
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