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Why does Gore Verbinski hate Bioshock fans?


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Link to original post: [drupal=1117]Why does Gore Verbinski hate Bioshock fans?[/drupal]

You have exactly one second to name a movie based off of a video game that was extremely good. Time's up, got anything? I didn't think so. That's what was running through my head when I saw that they were making a Bioshock movie. Yes, a movie based off the super special awesome game by the same name is coming out. The film is apparently being directed by some guy named Gore Verbinski. When I read this I thought to myself "who the hell is this guy?" Well, here's where all of the movie goers and fans of those weird celebrity gossip magazines beat me up and take my lunch money because it was a mental *****slap when I saw that this was not only the director of the Pirates movies but he was also the director of the Ring.

I'm not a fan of horror movies, I'll be honest there. And I never saw the Ring but I hear that it's scary as hell in terms of disturbing. I don't know if this is good for the hopes of a good Bioshock movie because anyone who's played Bioshock knows that it relies on disturbing the audience rather than giving them a heart attack. Although I am afraid that they will try and make it into what my friend calls a "Pop-Tart" movie. Yes, a Pop-Tart movie, a movie that relies on scaring you by having things pop out at you at random moments. I can see them doing this too because Bioshock stops being scary around the time you learn to shoot LIGHTNING out of your hands. If the same goes for a movie they would have to rely on this.

I really liked Bioshock, although I only got up the first Big Daddy before I had to stop playing it because my buddy was kind of pissed that I only paid a him visit to use his Xbox 360 to play the game (which I in turn was borrowing from a different friend). But now the game's out on the PS3 so one of these days I'm going to have to go buy it when I can find it for a price under $60. Back to what I was going to say, from what I played the overall story of Bioshock was good. For those of you who never played I'll take a line or two to give you the gist of it. Okay, so you play as a guy named Jack (who's face you never see) who gets into a plane crash over the ocean. He is the only known survivor of the crash and ends up in this dark underwater city called Rapture. The city looks like it was a really nice place to live at one point, to bad it was named Rapture (if you name your city that you're practically asking for something bad to happen) and everyone has gone off their rocker because of these things called plasmids which you inject into yourself and gives you a superhuman power. So now Jack has to go through this city in search of a way out and a long the way what exactly went down starts to unfold. Okay, back to what I was saying before. In Bioshock the entire game in is first-person (think Half-Life) and you never see your face, allowing the player to kind of give it a guess of what this guy looks like. I hope that they do the same thing, to kind of keep the mystery.

So it all boils down to this: there will never be a mainstream horror game that isn't made into a crappy horror movie. It's happened to Silent Hill, House of the Dead, Resident Evil, Alone in the Dark, and now Bioshock. I think that the movie is going to be terrible and that Verbinski should just leave it be. Please don't insult the fans like this, games should just be games, never movies.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Bioshock was a perfect mixture of suspense, dark humour and mystery. A traditional pop tart movie utterly ruin it you're right.

Let's hope they at least they put the vending machines in the move. "Welcome to the Circus of Valueeeee! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA!"



Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
And a penis enlargement plasmid.

Brave Hippo

Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2009
I loved Bioshock. The only scary part was the dentist.....Smoke around your feet, disturbing diary entry, when you go to move back your person is stuck in place......Ahhhhhh man!


Smash Lord
Nov 1, 2007
To be a succesful movie, Bioshock has to include:

1) guns. the same weapons as in the game. No "defensless target". their should be fighting scenes.
2) Plasmids. I want to see top-notch special effects for incinerate, freeze, slectro-ball, outrage, security bullseye, levitate, torpedo, bees, etc.
3) The story line. Too many horror movies today have absolutely no story line. they should keep the diaries.
4) Big Daddies and little sisters. were would the game be without them?

Bioshock was an amazing game, and I don't need the movie to be Oscar-worthy, but nothing too embarrassing. Also, it definitely should be in Rapture in the 1920s-1950s


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I've never played Bio Shock. I swear, every video game movie that has come out recently is games I haven;t played.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
I've never played Bio Shock. I swear, every video game movie that has come out recently is games I haven;t played.
If you own a PS3 or 360 pick it up. But if you don't have either you can always pump steroids into your computer and buy the PC version. It's worth it, it's a great game.
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