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Who ever said Black Shadow needed to take Ganondorf's moveset?

Das Koopa

Smash Master
Writing Team
Jun 13, 2014
Make every character as original as possible, I say. I strongly support a second F-Zero character's inclusion, and a proper series counterpart would be quite nice.


Black Shadow uses a combination of electric and dark attacks. The former to inflict heavy damage, the latter to use dark powers to channel special abilities. He's very aggressive and hits very hard. He's a fast faller, having some of the heaviest weight out of any character. He has autocancelling attacks combined with a good short hop for comboing.

A: Punch with left arm. (7%)
AA: Follow up punch with right arm. (5%)
AAA: Head slam. (9%)

Ftilt: Long swipe with arm. Sweetspot at wrist. (8% normal, 15% sweetspot with long horizontal knockback.)
Dtilt: Black Shadow crouches and punches at an opponent's feet. Does 3%, and can jab fairly quickly.
Utilt: An uppercut that propels an opponent upwards. (6%)

FSmash: Forward, electrically charged punched. Opponent stalls in electricity attack before being propelled forward. Does 15-30%.
DSmash: Black Shadow crouches and releases a burst of electricity on either side from his forearms. Does 18%-35%, has very short range and is a very early kill move at around 50-60%.
USmash: Releases burst of electricity from his horns. Has long vertical range. Does 15-23%, can kill at higher percentages and does good knockback.

Nair: Does a midair spin with his bull feet being a sweetspot . Does 5% normally, but does 10% at a sweetspot. Sweetspot pulls an opponent inwards. Move autocancels on landing.
Fair: Forward swipe with his feet. Sweetspots at tip of foot, delivering a dark effect and sending an opponent flying at a downwards diagonal angle. Does 14% normally, but 25% if sweetspotted.
Uair: He does an upwards kick in midair. Doesn't sweetspot, but has long upwards range. Does 10%.
Bair: Shadow reaches his body out forward and has a backwards kick. Does not spot sweetspot, but has long range that covers behind him well and has decent horizontal knockback.
Dair: Black Shadow releases electricity from his feet. Propels a foe upwards, allowing for a combo into another one of his aerials, or for you to autocancel an Nair into a tilt/Smash attack on ground.

Neutral Special: Darkness Gather

Black Shadow punches his fists together and roars as a charge appears in his horns. The next Smash attack he connects will do double damage and knockback. Charge time is roughly 3 seconds. Ending animation has super armor as an aura of blackness surrounds him.

Side Special: Bull Rush

Black Shadow charges forward helmet-first. If it connects, enemy stays stuck to he Helmet as he grabs them and throws them upwards. Connecting with the helmet does 15%-25%, the throw does 5%. Move is very slow, but builds the farther it goes. At maximum speed, Black Shadow's throw can kill at under 50%.

Up Special: Matador

Black Shadow grabs his cape, shrouds himself, and teleports from his current location. If he teleports to an enemy's hitbox, he grabs them and slams them on the ground. Teleport is short distance. Grab can theoretically be used as a suicide kill move. Grab and slam does 12% with heavy knockback.

Down Special: Black Lightning

Black Shadow charges dark shrouded electricity with his hands. The next grab a player performs will shock opponents on grab by 10% and increase knockback during a throw. Charging lasts for about 2 seconds.

Final Smash: Dark Highway

Black Shadow pulls his cape around himself and vanishes in a veil of darkness. He reappears in his Black Bull, alongside Zoda in the Death Anchor, Deathborne in the Dark Schneider, Blood Falcon in the Blood Hawk, The Skull in the Sonic Phantom, Don Genie in the Fat Shark, Bio Rex in the Big Fang, Baba in the Iron Tiger, and Octoman in the Deep Claw. They race across the stage akin to the hazard on Port Town, but do more knockback, and some race atop each other as they pile onto the active stage.

Grab: Black Shadow reaches his hand out and lifts a foe by the neck.
Pummel: Flexing his muscles to choke opponent. Does 3% a pummel.
Down Throw: Black Shadow Slams opponent into ground and charges electricity into them.
Up Throw: Black Shadow slams opponent into the ground then launches them up into the air. Easy kill move.
Forward Throw: Black Shadow holds a player back a second before launching them forward.
Back Throw: Black Shadow carelessly tosses opponent behind him before deliver a strong back back. Does a lot of horizontal knockback.

Taunt 1: Black Shadow's hand glows and he gives a loud laugh.
Taunt 2: Black Shadow poses as his cape blows in the air.
Taunt 3: Black Shadow outstretches his arms and gives a roar as electricity pulses along his arms.
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