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Who are you gonna play as?


Smash Rookie
Nov 20, 2014
So I'm pretty new to the forums I realize and I figure that not only would I go introducing myself I wanna know who you guys are gonna play as and why.

So I'm from Pennsylvania and I've been in a couple tournaments within the Philadelphia and pocono area, but in smash 4 I really wanna start getting more serious and I hope to get a lot more familiar with some of you. I've done a great deal of looking up stuff with your guides and you all seem real helpful! Lately I've been maining with Ness because I enjoy his down grab fair combos. Also I've been studying NAKAT's ness and that's what really drew me into playing ness. That and I love earthbound!

Who's next?!?


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2014
Aboda Village
Hello, and welcome to Smashboards! Hope you have a good time!

To answer you question, never played 64. I played Melee real briefly at my school's club, and I only played as Mewtwo and Ness (my Mewtwo was crap, though). Brawl was my first Smash game and I used Lucas, Ness, Toon Link, Ganondorf, and Kirby the most. I only used Mr. Game & Watch vs Wolf due to his bucket. Played Project M in club as well (didn't really have a choice), and I'm best at Ness and Toon Link. I'm disappointed at why I can't use Lucas in Project M yet he's my best in Brawl even though they didn't change him up that much.

But to the main point, I primarily use Ness, Toon Link, and Ganondorf in Smash 4. Sonic... Not sure how good I am with him currently. Kirby I also use fairly often, just not as much as the previous 4. I'm learning Shulk, he's pretty fun.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 11, 2014
Space and Time
I'm looking forward to playing as :4pacman: and :4dedede: first, anything after that will be spur of the moment.
I can't even imagine who I will main when all is said and done.


Smash Rookie
Nov 16, 2014
While everyone is just jumping on the ness train, he's been my main since Melee, my first smash.
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