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Which character is easier to learn? Palutena or ZSS?


Smash Rookie
Dec 1, 2014
Just asking because I really like both of them, but can't decide which one would be easier as a Smash noob.


Smash Lord
Nov 27, 2013
Well, let me break them down for you.

  • :4palutena:: Palutena's tricky. She's got a lot of ending lag on her grounded moves including smashes and tilts. However; she has one of the best jab combos and one of the best dash attacks. You'll need to work on your spacing, air game and defense to truly master Lady Palutena.
  • :4zss:: I would say ZSS is a bit more noob friendly. She's got great options all around and is honestly a bit easier, but I digress.
But honestly, play who you want and master them. I've played Marth since Melee, and I've been learning his spacing for so long, because for Marth, spacing is everything. So, don't play who's the easiest per-say, play who you want to learn the most.


Smash Rookie
Dec 1, 2014
Thanks for your reply and yeah, you are right.
In the end I will play and learn the character I like the most, but I was just really curious. =)


Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
@ Marthmario Marthmario hit the nail on the head. Palutena is incredibly tricky for a newcomer to play and can seem quite alienating at first, even for a dedicated fan like myself; it took me a good few matches before I'd even figured out how to use her moves properly! She's proportionately rewarding, though: if you put the time and effort into figuring her out, you'll have a great fighter to play with and will be able to push her abilities to their absolute limit. And let me tell you, it's well worth it in the long run~

That being said, Zero Suit Samus is moderately easier to play as a newcomer, since she's quick and doesn't have nearly as much endlag as Palutena. She's also strong physically and, except for her Paralyser, doesn't require too much intricate knowledge of how to best use her moves; at least not to the same extent as Palutena, at the very least.

Ultimately, though, it's all down to how good you are as a player. The character's abilities are only an essential scaffolding upon which you ought to build your own playing style: any character can be used well in the hands of a good player, so practice often and find out what works best for you.

If you want to practice playing Palutena dittos, message me and we can set up some games. Good luck in future!


Smash Lord
Nov 27, 2013
@ Marthmario Marthmario hit the nail on the head. Palutena is incredibly tricky for a newcomer to play and can seem quite alienating at first, even for a dedicated fan like myself; it took me a good few matches before I'd even figured out how to use her moves properly! She's proportionately rewarding, though: if you put the time and effort into figuring her out, you'll have a great fighter to play with and will be able to push her abilities to their absolute limit. And let me tell you, it's well worth it in the long run~

That being said, Zero Suit Samus is moderately easier to play as a newcomer, since she's quick and doesn't have nearly as much endlag as Palutena. She's also strong physically and, except for her Paralyser, doesn't require too much intricate knowledge of how to best use her moves; at least not to the same extent as Palutena, at the very least.

Ultimately, though, it's all down to how good you are as a player. The character's abilities are only an essential scaffolding upon which you ought to build your own playing style: any character can be used well in the hands of a good player, so practice often and find out what works best for you.

If you want to practice playing Palutena dittos, message me and we can set up some games. Good luck in future!
Why thank you @ Wintropy Wintropy ! Well, you added to that just as well!


Smash Rookie
Dec 1, 2014
@ Marthmario Marthmario hit the nail on the head. Palutena is incredibly tricky for a newcomer to play and can seem quite alienating at first, even for a dedicated fan like myself; it took me a good few matches before I'd even figured out how to use her moves properly! She's proportionately rewarding, though: if you put the time and effort into figuring her out, you'll have a great fighter to play with and will be able to push her abilities to their absolute limit. And let me tell you, it's well worth it in the long run~

That being said, Zero Suit Samus is moderately easier to play as a newcomer, since she's quick and doesn't have nearly as much endlag as Palutena. She's also strong physically and, except for her Paralyser, doesn't require too much intricate knowledge of how to best use her moves; at least not to the same extent as Palutena, at the very least.

Ultimately, though, it's all down to how good you are as a player. The character's abilities are only an essential scaffolding upon which you ought to build your own playing style: any character can be used well in the hands of a good player, so practice often and find out what works best for you.

If you want to practice playing Palutena dittos, message me and we can set up some games. Good luck in future!

Thanks to you too!
I think I'm gonna spend more time in practice mode for now and unlock the rest of the characters. I played online for the first time yesterday and well, didn't go that well. :p
But this was expected, I mean it's my first Smash game and I know it would be hard. SF4 was kinda the same at the beginning. But I fear not, the green haired goddess and the blonde alien huntress protect me! =D

It's time for practice mode first!
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