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Which are the best characters to use to stomp low level players?


Smash Rookie
Sep 2, 2011
There is going to be a small tournament soon at my school. They are introducing a new rule in which you can ban characters so I'm looking to pick one up. I'm wondering which characters are best at capitalizing on the mistakes that unskilled players often make. Thank you.


Smash Ace
Apr 13, 2013
King DeDeDe can shield grab people if they don't space well.
Meta Knight's tornado is good for obvious reasons, but as you said mentioned some ability to ban characters, I'm not sure this would work out. Could you explain that rule a bit more?
In general, characters with hard-hitting moves can punish mistakes well (Snake, Ike, Donkey Kong, and even Ganon depending on the skill level of the opponent).

However, if there is a character that you are used to playing with, use it. The knowledge you have with it would outweigh potential abilities of characters you aren't familiar with.

[Catlord] Kazoto Skytear

Smash Apprentice
May 2, 2013
Texas, of the USA
You would probably want to ban the top 2

Meta Knight and Ice Climbers

Meta Knight due to obvious reasons, extremely easy to use, easy dodging etc
And then there is Ice Climber's Chain Grab, grab hit hit hit grab hit hit hit. so yeah.

Best Characters as a Low Teir/Mid Tier would be Toon Link, Luigi if smashballs on, Ness (PK Fire, Basball bat.)

But those are my opinions :p


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Ice Climbers aren't very good when newbies play them. I mean, yeah newbies aren't very good, that's the point of the term, but as soon as you can seperate Nana and Popo newbies will become even worse, so I wouldn't recommend banning them.

As for the best character to punish newbie mistakes: Ike. He's easy to play, packs a big punch, moderately fast, one mistake can easily cost your opponent a stock. If you can chain grab then Dedede is a pretty good choice too, especially since he can always keep the opponent at bay with his Side B. Snake is also good at surprising people that are too careless with the mines and C4 stuff. Donkey Kong also isn't a poor choice.

In general, the hard hitters are just great at punishing mistakes,I'd say Ike is the best though.
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