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Where I see Wolf lacking....


Smash Cadet
Mar 21, 2008
So I played this really skilled player online, and he mains both Shiek and Fox. Despite what people claim to be a Shiek nerf, both Shiek and Fox dominate other characters with speed. Now Wolf comes into play, he has DECENT priority (the wolf wall can be penetrated obviously and his forward smash leaves you open for a smack into the face if the opponent spaces/blocks or spot dodges correctly). He also lacks a consecutive combo set up, I mean sure you can neutral a to reflector to down smash (if your opponent does not understand how neutral a works), and yet this can be shield grabbed or in fox's case smashed. I have also come to realize that Wolf can be juggled extremely easily (where as he can't do so well), I have tried air dodging, but because of the speed dificiency he has either in rolling (his roll is actually kinda slow in comparison to some other characters) or his running speed, he can be easily chased down aka Fox or Shiek dash cancels up smash. I have tried to use reflector when I see them attempting to combo me and for the most part, it works, yet it still leaves Wolf open for a hit from a fast character like Fox or Shiek. I am not posting this as a complaint about Fox or Shiek...this is Brawl and every character should have some means of advantage over every other character. However, I am asking for advice...how do you tolerate speedy characters as Wolf? (you can also throw metaknight into the mix). For this reason (and many others such as poor recovery), I feel Wolf definitely won't be top tier (and I know it is still way too early to decide, but I am just making a hypothesis on where he stands).


Smash Journeyman
Mar 25, 2008
meh, its all about utilizing wolf wall and shop fairs, and really an overall good aerial game to beat them. You out prioritize both, and in the air wolf is alot easier then on the ground. These chars shouldn't be able to easily penetrate wolf wall. Also dsmahs is still quick than most of thier attacks, and gives u a good option. In general I've found a good aerial defence game, mixed with no lag offence to be the most effective strat with wolf in almost any match up.

dream theater

Smash Cadet
Apr 24, 2008
I beat my friends really good fox by sideb whenever I was in the air and about to get juggled, it'd appear as if I was just going to fall down in a spot and he would run towards me and at the last second I would side b in the opposite direction, with enough time to recover.

Captain Sa10

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2007
It's already been clarified that wolf will not be top tier. And thats expected since he's more on the balanced side of the spectrum. For one thing, If I read the juggling comment properly, wolf SHOULDN'T have a problem juggling since that mostly comes down to how well you follow the DI and if your Uairs(which is your main juggler) are consistent, while in another case, he still is a heavy character in general and thus makes it easier to be juggled period. Spam some lasers if you have to, just use what works. Of course f-smash can be punished, and with that is the downside of it which is way you use variations of d-smash and f-smash as well as Up-smash. You also dont have to nair to shine to d-smash, you can empty shorthop or bair into them followed by a tilt or smash. stay grounded some of time during the fight, d-tilt has a average range, and can give you the space required to get away from sheildgrab's while grounded.

When facing a fox, yes, speed is a problem, but it can be taken care of by keeping your proper spacing and using your blaster to effectively stay out of range of some of his really good moves. once your in clsoe range, fox is yours and can be taken care of at mid-high percents with a d-smash. Sheik is still problimatic but can be avoid by using your reflector more often, and empty short-hops. Not saying that these are easy fights but the more they come to you, the better in a since because you may have to play more defensively against these two.

Deleted member

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Smash Cadet
Apr 29, 2008
meh, its all about utilizing wolf wall and shop fairs, and really an overall good aerial game to beat them. You out prioritize both, and in the air wolf is alot easier then on the ground. These chars shouldn't be able to easily penetrate wolf wall. Also dsmahs is still quick than most of thier attacks, and gives u a good option. In general I've found a good aerial defence game, mixed with no lag offence to be the most effective strat with wolf in almost any match up.

also Nair destroys fox's recovery


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2008
St. Louis
What does wall mean? When you guys say his wall?
You use Wolf's bair to make it very hard for the opponent to approach you. Usually you do a full hop immediate bair, then a bair again (that's what GERM does, at least). You have little landing lag, the move has better knockback than the fair, it's fairly fast, and you have pretty good priority.


Smash Rookie
Mar 18, 2008
You use Wolf's bair to make it very hard for the opponent to approach you. Usually you do a full hop immediate bair, then a bair again (that's what GERM does, at least). You have little landing lag, the move has better knockback than the fair, it's fairly fast, and you have pretty good priority.

What exactly is "priority?"
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