I've stayed out of these ramblings for some time now. Now I'm tired of it. I'm tired of everybody complaining, especially the ones complaining about how some of us shouldn't complain! Well I'm sorry, but now it's my turn to complain, and I'll do it without resorting to "u" and mixing up "Their, They're and There" and other spelling atrocities that I've had to witness so far.
I can complain. I have a right. I can be disappointed. And I am. This roster is pathetic. It's not what I expected, and I didn't really have any "big" expectations. I had wants, and while I wanted them of course, it's not too big a deal if they didn't make it (which none of them did). However, I'm to be satisfied with 35 characters? Obviously not, since I'm not. And, I'm to be satisfied with this absolutely disgusting franchise distribution? As if I care about both Lucas and Ness, when they seem to be the same **** things. It's so great to have three Star Fox characters when nobody really likes that franchise. I just love the lack of new Samus reps. Hopefully there will be solace in the ability to start out as ZSS. Then arguably that's another rep, sort of. F-Zero has a million games, it's fairly popular...why do we get only one rep again? At least it's Captain Falcon. And then we have the greatness to *loose* a Mario rep. Wonderful.
And I don't want to hear this "we have more playable movesets!" nonsense. As if I care. People don't play "movesets" they play characters.
Further, these delays. All these delays and I get
this? Surely online things could have been taken care of without a delay, if we cut out things like, oh, I don't know...stickers? It's not like Everybody Just Loves Stickers. Sure, SSE is long and fun looking...but Smash Brothers has always been a multiplayer game. Not a single player. So much stuff have been done with Single Player mode in Brawl, it's obvious it cut into designing of Multiplayer Aspects.
And you ask some questions.
Wait what? You mean that a game with Sonic, Snake, Olimar, Pokemon Trainer, Lucas, Dedede, Meta Knight, Pit, Peach, Mario, Luigi, Captain Falcon, Zelda, Sheik, Lucario, Ness, Ganondorf, Jigglypuff, DK, Diddy, Fox... (you get the point) is... Disappointing?
Let's see:
Sonic - One of the few uplifting things about this roster.
Snake - What do I care? I never wanted him. Never was excited for him. Don't care.
Pokemon Trainer - Nope, don't care.
Lucas - I outright dislike this character. Being so similar to Ness and having his own worthless spot.
Dedede - I dislike this character too.
Meta Knight - Blah.
Pit - Don't care.
Peach - What's so exciting about Peach? What's exciting about Luigi, Mario, Captain Falcon,
Zelda, Ness, Ganondorf, Jigglypuff, or Fox? We've had them before. Why should I expect less, when all of these are instrumental to their franchises, or important in some other way?
Speaking of other's though:
Lucario - I hate this looser. Probably my most hated Pokemon, right next to Bidoof and Bibarel. Why the heck would I be glad this guy is in?
Diddy - I hate this character too. All my friends hate him as well. The confirmation of Diddy Kong stands as one of my, and my friend's most hated dojo updates, up there with "You Must Recover!" Banana Peel, and Bumper.
A roster in which characrs with completely new ways to play (Olimar, PT, Wario) are introduced, old characters with new better moves to make up for the bad ones they have (Kirby's dash attacks much?), buffed characters that can now be used (Bowser for most players) and overpowered attacks being powered down to be fair (Peach's down smash is one) sucks!?
Yes. "Completely new ways to play" are not inherent in characters. And tell me, what sort of new way to play does Wario bring us? Pokemon Trainer (as far as any of us has seen) is just Zelda/Shiek with three instead of two. That's not new.
I think that you aren't disappointed in the roster, but in the way it was shown, if we got Olimar, Meta Knight and some of the other cool newcomer starters as unlockables your opinions would change A LOT. I bet on that even.
Maybe. Slightly. Not much though. I don't care about Olimar, or those "other cool" newcomers. But it's not really that, no. It's the fact that regardless of how we learn of them, the franchise distribution seems stupid.
The roster have nothing wrong with it, YOUR high expectations for characters that were OBVIOUSLY not going to be playable that made it SUCK FOR YOU. I'm tired of people saying the roster sucks as if it really does, it sucks for YOU because of you.
"I'm tired of people saying this roster is good as if it really is, it's good for YOU because of you."
Oh yeah, that works doesn't it.
No, an argument can be made that this roster really is "Bad" but so can it be that it is "Good." I don't know if it is good or not, and I don't care. I have my biases and I don't feel a need to change them. This roster is terrible to me, and since I'm my, what do I care about how you feel about it? And since I am allowed my biases, what do I care what it really is, so long as I don't say it is what it is not?
For the record, everything is my opinion. Obviously, I just said I don't care about the "truth" of the matter because I'm allowed my biases. If you feel differently, good for you. Just don't shove it down my throat that you're right unless you're about to prove it. And good luck with that.
Man, no wonder people complain. It certainly gets things off one's chest.