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What to do about low morale?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 28, 2014
I took a break from Smash for a few days because I have the longest possible losing streak. Today I came back to join in with the update hype - mah boi Robin was buffed to my eternal delight! - and entered one of the new tourneys in 1 v 1. I lost the 1st round against a Dark Pit who used Arrows, Electroshock and Side Smash exclusively, with the occasional reflect.

I've gotten even worse to the point I can't even beat the average "scrub" at all, despite having played since launch. I can't keep "taking breaks" though. Each time I come back, the break doesn't benefit me at all, and I play just as bad as ever. I need to find an active way to improve, but I also need to work through being depressed about so many losses. What's the best way to do this, without accidentally making myself even more depressed?

Current FG win record since launch: 22%
Anther's Ladder loss streak: All but 3 games.
Characters used: THE ENTIRE ROSTER. (can't nail anyone down I can consistently win as)

EDIT: Side note: I am still willing to pay someone to personally train me in this game. By doing so, you'll make me better at all video games in general, as Smash 4 is as basic as it gets.
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Smash Cadet
Jul 26, 2015
Find a character (or multiple characters) you're comfortable with, preferably mid-tier and who's not going to get slapped by a thousand nerfs every single update.

With those characters, the best you can do is train, train and train. You'll understand how their attacks work, and with time, you'll be able to do some combos.

I had a losing streak recently and decided to step up my game by learning my mains. That way, I found out alot of secrets about my characters and abused the crap out of them.
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 28, 2014
Find a character (or multiple characters) you're comfortable with, preferably mid-tier and who's not going to get slapped by a thousand nerfs every single update.

With those characters, the best you can do is train, train and train. You'll understand how their attacks work, and with time, you'll be able to do some combos.

I had a losing streak recently and decided to step up my game by learning my mains. That way, I found out alot of secrets about my characters and abused the crap out of them.
I'm doing my best to do just that. I must've read thousands of guides/threads and watched just as many videos. No matter how hard I try though, I never actually seem to learn any of it. When the actual match begins, I autopilot the moment I see who I'm up against. It gets worse if they start crouch-spamming/using name tags, because I know that means they see me for my reputation - Game FAQs once called me the world's worst player because I've played the most matches in Smash with the greatest amount of losses. ;(

One thing I absolutely want to avoid though is choosing a high tier. I would like to earn respect from people around me for being talented on my own accord in the long run, even though as it stands right now, I'm talentless... I remember I did win a FG game once as Captain Falcon, and it made me feel... dirty. Like I barely had to think about it, and didn't deserve it at all as a consequence. Could've just been my opponent. The same went for Yoshi. He used to be my go-to in Brawl, but in Smash 4, I must be the only one who doesn't like his changes (I preferred things like his old Dash and Up-Smash attacks, for some reason). That and when everyone started saying how "auto-win" he was, I felt like I should play someone people can respect.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2015
Don't give one more thought about the tier position. Not only is this way of thinking hindering you, it is completely irrelevant for you. Take Sheik for example: Besides here useful needles, which are relatively easy to use, her tier position is only justified by the knowledge and creativity of advanced gameplay, i.e. competitive pros playing Sheik. Tier lists make this assumption about the players when placing characters. Making use of Sheik's favorable MUs still require work, dedication, knowledge and skill. And on "amateruish" levels Sheik's superiority might even have less influence on the actual balance between two players, maybe because the Sheik player has no idea how to go for the kill with the ninja, who knows.

As for Cpt. Falcon: He's fairly good, but hardly the choice for tier list waggon-riders, no matter how indefinite the current tiers are. Feeling dirty with Falcon shouldn't be a problem anyway! Even if you're comfortable with Diddy: Take him, try it out and leave it to others to deal with him.

Another thought: Of course not giving up and dedicating yourself to get better (in pretty much anything) is the better option. On the other hand, it might be similarly tough-minded to accept that you're not that good in the game and that you don't want to invest in this. Not everyone can be on the top and some people have it harder with covering the basics than others. You might try playing the game casually (ppl tend to forget that this possibility exists) or enjoy record hunting in solo modes. There's absolutely nothing to feel bad about if this floats your boat.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2013
Sounds like you are just really bad. Too bad for you mate, we can not all be FG champions like me. Some people have to suck to make the good people good.
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Smash Champion
May 31, 2015
The first thing to do is find a few characters that you feel comfortable playing with and/or feel right to you (unless you're incredibly skilled you can't really play large numbers of characters and actually be any good at them). Then go to the boards on here for those characters and see if you can get anyone to do some matches with you in order to give a critique. You can't get better if you don't know what to work on (and how to do it), and sometimes it's very hard to figure it out by yourself, but a lot easier for someone else to see your flaws. That's what I think has worked best for me anyway, and like you I get little out of reading/watching guides.


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2013
Addison, IL
Sounds like you would benefit from direct instruction with another player. Depending on connection differences, I would be willing to spar with you for a bit.

Do not give up, no matter what. You can be good at this game. It just may take you a bit longer than some other people.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 28, 2014
Sounds like you would benefit from direct instruction with another player. Depending on connection differences, I would be willing to spar with you for a bit.

Do not give up, no matter what. You can be good at this game. It just may take you a bit longer than some other people.
Sounds like a plan. I've only just begun investing time on the Wii U version more than the 3DS, thanks to the tourney update allowing Miis against strangers. I'm from the UK, but I have pretty decent internet, so I'm hoping that would be ok?
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Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2013
Addison, IL
Sounds like a plan. I've only just begun investing time on the Wii U version more than the 3DS, thanks to the tourney update allowing Miis against strangers. I'm from the UK, but I have pretty decent internet, so I'm hoping that would be ok?
We should be fine. So long as we're not getting 1-sec input lag it'll be enough to help you with fundamentals. Shoot me a PM and we can try and set something up.
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