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What is wrong with people on For Glory?


Smash Apprentice
Oct 17, 2015
New Jersey
Ok, first thing to note; I'm relatively new to smash and still learning. I main Ness and Fox. Anyways, I don't understand the mentality of some of the people on FG. I was just playing against someone who was better than me, he 2 stocked me almost every time. I took out Ness and almost beat him while he was playing Pikachu and then in the lobby he starts spamming his names to different things like a 12-year old. "GOPLAYBRAWL" "USUCK" "HOWLAMERU?" "COWARD", then he quickly left the lobby. (Not the mention he was spamming taunts like an idiot.)
Seriously? Why was he so angry? Ok, congrats bro you beat someone who's new to the game, is he like proud of that or something? This happened a few times before and I just brushed it off, but what is with these toxic players and immaturity? I got so annoyed because honestly this guy wasn't anything special. My friend who got me into the game would body this guy any day, I've played against actual GOOD players on FG (who I can't even touch, I ran into MVG Sol on there once) and they don't act like the Xbox Live COD player base. So my question is, what made this guy so mad? Is it because I back threw him as Ness and he got so mad like "OMG NOOB LOL EZ KILL" I'm trying to understand this gentlemen's tiny brain, just having a hard time.
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Smash Apprentice
Sep 11, 2015
Ok, first thing to note; I'm relatively new to smash and still learning. I main Ness and Fox. Anyways, I don't understand the mentality of some of the people on FG. I was just playing against someone who was better than me, he 2 stocked me almost every time. I took out Ness and almost beat him while he was playing Pikachu and then in the lobby he starts spamming his names to different things like a 12-year old. "GOPLAYBRAWL" "USUCK" "HOWLAMERU?" "COWARD", then he quickly left the lobby. (Not the mention he was spamming taunts like an idiot.)
Seriously? Why was he so angry? Ok, congrats bro you beat someone who's new to the game, is he like proud of that or something? This happened a few times before and I just brushed it off, but what is with these toxic players and immaturity? I got so annoyed because honestly this guy wasn't anything special. My friend who got me into the game would body this guy any day, I've played against actual GOOD players on FG (who I can't even touch, I ran into MVG Sol on there once) and they don't act like the Xbox Live COD player base. So my question is, what made this guy so mad? Is it because I back threw him as Ness and he got so mad like "OMG NOOB LOL EZ KILL" I'm trying to understand this gentlemen's tiny brain, just having a hard time.
Sometimes you will do nothing to cause the other player to trash talk. These types of players will pop up every once and awhile, and if they start to dig under your skin just leave and move on to play against someone else.


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2014
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Switch FC
Unfortunately, people trash talking is actually a common issue among other people, not just you. Why do they do it? I don't know but I believe it's because they're dumbasses who takes this too seriously. If your opponent starts taking things the wrong way, I would just leave without saying anything and find someone else.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 18, 2015
Sounds like the common rabble in fg.since your new to smash expect to find sore losers(or winners)who feel the need to gloat about every little thing to put u down and make them feel like there mlg pro.best advice when coming across these type of players is simply leave and find someone else.


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
Unfortunately, people trash talking is actually a common issue among other people, not just you. Why do they do it? I don't know but I believe it's because they're dumbasses who takes this too seriously. If your opponent starts taking things the wrong way, I would just leave without saying anything and find someone else.
Pretty much what was said here. In fact there is a whole Thread about this which can be conveniently found here.

This sort of behavior is honestly not only common in For Glory, but pretty common in any Online game in general. If any Online game has a way to communicate to the other side (whether it be chat, tags, or voice) someone is without a doubt going to use it to throw out insults or mock their opponent. Why? Because they can. Nothing is really stopping them due to the fact they are hidden behind a screen.

Whats the worse that can happen to them? Someone reports them and they possibly get banned for it? With no real threat or actual punishment people obviously won't care about their actions. It's the anonymity of it all that makes them feel like they can behave as such.

In short, this is going to happen no matter what game you play Online and people don't really need any other reason for it other than "Just because I could" or "For the Lulz". You can always ignore it and leave immediately because no one is forcing you to stay and keep playing with them. You could also attempt to put them in their place if you honestly feel confident enough, but this isn't always advised.
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Smash Apprentice
Oct 17, 2015
New Jersey
Pretty much what was said here. In fact there is a whole Thread about this which can be conveniently found here.

This sort of behavior is honestly not only common in For Glory, but pretty common in any Online game in general. If any Online game has a way to communicate to the other side (whether it be chat, tags, or voice) someone is without a doubt going to use it to throw out insults or mock their opponent. Why? Because they can. Nothing is really stopping them due to the fact they are hidden behind a screen.

Whats the worse that can happen to them? Someone reports them and they possibly get banned for it? With no real threat or actual punishment people obviously won't care about their actions. It's the anonymity of it all that makes them feel like they can behave as such.

In short, this is going to happen no matter what game you play Online and people don't really need any other reason for it other than "Just because I could" or "For the Lulz". You can always ignore it and leave immediately because no one is forcing you to stay and keep playing with them. You could also attempt to put them in their place if you honestly feel confident enough, but this isn't always advised.
I was actually going to put him in his place after he spammed all that. I just woke up that morning and was about to go into try hard mode with Ness. I'm sure I would of been able to beat him at least once. Which is probably why he left right away.


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
I was actually going to put him in his place after he spammed all that. I just woke up that morning and was about to go into try hard mode with Ness. I'm sure I would of been able to beat him at least once. Which is probably why he left right away.
Again, another common thing people do Online especially in For Glory.

You can't report anyone at the CSS so they will spam insults and more at you until either you leave or until the timer ends. At that point they will leave so you either cannot redeem yourself and/or avoid getting reported. Sometimes people will be dumb enough to stay though perhaps out of over-confidence. At that point you could immediately report them after the match is over if you feel it necessary.

Either way, this is something that cannot be avoided no matter how hard you try. People will do anything they want behind closed doors.


This strength serves more than me alone.
Nov 15, 2015
South America
I play on the 3DS version, where I don't think it's possible to switch your tags to call people names, but even then, you can still tell when someone is a good or a bad sport. If the person lags and plays badly, but I can tell they're atleast respectful, I'll even try handling the lag just to play that person more. However, if it is someone that intentionally plays in a manner that is widely frowned upon (spamming projectiles, rolls or certain moves like Sonic's Spin Dash), taunts often, taunts SDs or just tries to intentionally make the match a bad experience, then I'll leave after the first match no matter what. I don't care if I won, lost, I feel like I can beat him again or the connection was good or bad, I'll leave and pretend the match never happened.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 26, 2015
Baltimore, MD
That's just how it is in all online games (and on the internet in general I suppose.) People take it way too seriously and feel the need to put others down to make themselves look better. It's rather unfortunate really. The only thing you can do is ignore them.

Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
I was actually going to put him in his place after he spammed all that. I just woke up that morning and was about to go into try hard mode with Ness. I'm sure I would of been able to beat him at least once. Which is probably why he left right away.
I guess mainly beause ness is a despised char and he is OP tbh
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