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What if Snake was replaced by Andy from Advance Wars?


Smash Cadet
Oct 16, 2014
At first i was just going to post this in the Future Unnanounced DLC thread, but my post became so long that i felt i might as well make it it's own thread. I hope i'm not doing anything wrong by doing so :(.

So i'm sure somebody must have already thought of this before, but i'd like to share my idea anyway and see what you guys & gals think.

Let's say that Snake can't come back as DLC, be that because of Konami or Nintendo not being interested for whatever reason, or contracts with MS/Sony we are not aware of prohibiting it (highly doubt it but you never know). What would you think of his play style being represented by a Nintendo character instead? That character being Andy from Advance Wars.

Now he should probably not be (and most likely wouldn't be) move for move the same, but the general spirit of the character could be the same. I would expect his normals and tilts to be totally different. But he could wield bazookas/grenade launchers in his smashes/side B that would work similarly to Snakes, since there are anti tank units in the AW games who wield those.
And even though i don't remember any mines from the AW games (i only played the first 2 though), it's not too far fetched of an idea for him to be using mines in his down smash/down B. His up B could be him holding onto a miniature model of one of the aircraft units (like for example a helicopter) carrying him upwards. Or even just a bazooka blast downward sending him upward similar to one of Mii Gunners moves.
And his neutral B could be grenades like Snake, or you could keep that as one of his customs, and make his standard move him throwing his signature giant wrenches.

Speaking of customs, Andy feels like he could have some real potential for unique customs, like Palutena.
His down B could change into calling an infantry unit on the field similar to DHD's down B. This one could shoot for 1-2 seconds with a machine gun, but be really short range. The second custom could spawn an anti tank unit who shoots one missile long range, potentially giving him two simultaneous missile projectiles in combination with his side B.
His side B could maybe change into him standing on an airplane unit flying fast horizontally, giving him a second option for recovery.
He could also have a custom up B where he erects a building under him, similar to the animation where you capture structures in the AW games (this would be slightly smaller than Dr. Wrights skyscraper). This would launch him up in the air for recovery, while also damaging his opponents. That last one might be a little out there though...

The point is that this would be a cool way to bring back parts of Snakes play style with the rockets and explosives (which would also work within the context of an Advance Wars character as well), and still have the option of unique customs to give him even more of an Advance Wars flavour.
Yes, it's not the same as getting Snake back, but i think it's a cool compromise that also expands the represented line up of Nintendo games in Smash.

Now to be fair, i think the chances of this happening are slim to none. I believe Sakurai has said that he wants characters to feel like they really represents their games. And while i think this would represent Andy and AW really well, the fact that he copies some moves from a character who previously was in Smash Bros would probably be an issue. If he would add Andy, he would probably want it to be with a wholly new character style that is nothing like any previous character.
Plus there is an argument to be made for the fact that Andy as a Commanding Officer with a focus on repairing stuff, should probably not be wielding bazookas and mines. Although i looked at it as representing the series of games as a whole, i could see it not working if you want him to just represent the character himself.

Then there is also the unknown (at least to me) popularity of Advance Wars in Japan. Yes, that is not as important as it used to be (as is evident by DHD and Little Mac), but it is still a consideration. I know that the original Famicom Wars was pretty much part of pop culture in Japan at the time thanks to a really popular commercial (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0l7qanI9DOw&spfreload=10), but i don't think the series featured any real characters such as the CO's until Advance Wars several years later. And if peoples memory of the series in Japan is mostly of generic soldiers and a catchy commercial, rather than colourful officers like in Advance Wars, then Andy might not be as popular a choice as he would be here where he is pretty much the face of the series as we now it.

So, what do you guys and gals think?
Do you like the idea?
Do you hate it and just want Snake to return?
Do you rather see Andy having his own unique play style?
Should somebody else represent Advance Wars?
Or do you not care at all about either Snake or Andy or Advance Wars?


Too Drunk to Smash
Aug 11, 2006
NH, Discord: SB#6077
Switch FC
SW 5369-1969-6280
I'd like to see it, but I'm afraid that AW not having a "future" is a bigger issue, since Sakurai said they would be choosing characters that had futures in some way.

Or have there been new AW games lately and I've just not noticed it?


Smash Cadet
Oct 16, 2014
I'd like to see it, but I'm afraid that AW not having a "future" is a bigger issue, since Sakurai said they would be choosing characters that had futures in some way.

Or have there been new AW games lately and I've just not noticed it?
Yeah, there hasn't been a new game in a while. And the last game in the series was for all intents and purposes a "gritty reboot" that did away with all the characters from the "Advance" era.
And with Intelligent Systems working on a new strategy game in Code Name S.T.E.A.M, Advance Wars future is looking pretty bleak.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2014
Well I think it's important that it's a more modern character so…

Abe lincoln for Smash.


Dinkey King
May 18, 2014
Pensacola, Florida
I'd like to see it, but I'm afraid that AW not having a "future" is a bigger issue, since Sakurai said they would be choosing characters that had futures in some way.
That's weird of him to say. Some of the newcomers haven't had a game in years or have uncertain futures. Little Mac, Mega Man, Wii Fit Trainer, Dr. Mario, and Duck Hunt to name the most obvious.


Shiny Lord
Jan 22, 2014
Underground or in the air
That's weird of him to say. Some of the newcomers haven't had a game in years or have uncertain futures. Little Mac, Mega Man, Wii Fit Trainer, Dr. Mario, and Duck Hunt to name the most obvious.
Mega Man and Duck Hunt I can agree, but Wii Fit U and Dr. Luigi (not technically Dr. Mario but the principal's the same) are quite recent. Plus Punch Out!! wasn't too long ago, though I guess Little Mac is in the grey area in terms of what the future holds for him.


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2013
I'd like to see it, but I'm afraid that AW not having a "future" is a bigger issue, since Sakurai said they would be choosing characters that had futures in some way.

Or have there been new AW games lately and I've just not noticed it?
Game and Watch has zero future but it is in Smash 4.
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wow this is a custom title
Dec 2, 2007
Game and Watch has zero future but it is in Smash 4.
That's weird of him to say. Some of the newcomers haven't had a game in years or have uncertain futures. Little Mac, Mega Man, Wii Fit Trainer, Dr. Mario, and Duck Hunt to name the most obvious.
He said franchises without a future are rarely chosen, not never chosen. I think people should read a bit more carefully into what he says.

Duck Hunt is an exception since he's for the traditional retro slot (like G&W and ROB). Little Mac and Wii Fit Trainer are both still recent and fresh enough and both of their recent titles has been successes. Titles released after Brawl should at the very least be considered recent enough. They just needed their success to justify their spot in Smash. Sadly, Golden Sun's only recent title ended up flopping :/

Dr. Mario is a last minute clone who was originally an alt costume, but he's also a veteran which helps his chances, but he's also an extra character like Lucina and Dark Pit.

As for Mega Man, despite the "no future" thing it could've had against him, he had many things going for him for his inclusion than an exclusion. Not only is he a very iconic gaming icon (especially coming from the NES era), but he is a very highly requested character who has been with Nintendo nearly throughout his entire franchise. He is also the mascot of one of the biggest Japanese gaming companies, Capcom. And out of every character from Capcom, Mega Man is far more fitting than Ryu, Phoenix Wright and Monster Hunter. His last popular game was in 2010, so he's a bit more recent than even Little Mac.

(Excuse me for the mouth full, I originally planned to say less but I ended up realizing how important Mega Man really is)
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Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2013
He said franchises without a future are rarely chosen, not never chosen. I think people should read a bit more carefully into what he says.
Well if (at least) 5 of them (Mac, G&W, Dr.Mario, WIiFit, DuckHunt) in Smash 4 is hardly "rarely" chosen.


wow this is a custom title
Dec 2, 2007
Well if (at least) 5 of them (Mac, G&W, Dr.Mario, WIiFit, DuckHunt) in Smash 4 is hardly "rarely" chosen.
He's talking about newcomers though. Little Mac's future is uncertain, his most recent title did well, his franchise is not dead yet. Wii Fit isn't dead either. You're missing the point entirely.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
The vast majority of those are retro characters, Wii Fit is very recent, and Dr. Mario was originally planned as a costume, not a character.
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wow this is a custom title
Dec 2, 2007
The vast majority of those are retro characters, Wii Fit is very recent, and Dr. Mario was originally planned as a costume, not a character.
Not to mention he keeps bringing up veterans for some reason. Sakurai has for the record said he tries to bring back every veteran. It does not contradict what he says about his rarely chosen quote. There is a ton of factors goes into adding characters to the roster, it is not very simple.

EDIT: Dr. Mario shouldn't be brought up in these kind of discussions about franchises with no future. Dr. Mario still gets new games and he's not exactly a retro character since he still gets modern sequels like Little Mac.

We have:
Dr. Mario for NES
Dr. Mario 64 for N64
Dr. Mario Online Rx for WiiWare
Dr. Mario Express for DSiWare
And most recently Dr. Luigi for the Wii U
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Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
Honestly, I could see Snake's moveset being inherited by a new character, but Andy would be a bad fit. Sami looks the part better, I think Andy would fit with a unique moveset better.

Also something nobody considers is Inklings having a ink-based version of Snake's moves. Not only does it remove the threat of the moveset being "too violent" or whatever, since it's super cartoony, but it would a character Nintendo would want to add.

Xevious 1

Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2014
I despise the talk of any "new" character replacing veterans. Reminds me of the poeple who wanted Chrom to get Ike's moveset. One it makes the new character not feel new at all. Secondly it angers the people who liked the old character (Snake has a lot of fans). Imagine if Ganondorf appeared in Melee as a CF clone, but Captain Falcon didn't return.
Or imagine if Lucario who has his own really unique moveset, instead became a Mewtwo clone. People already dislike Lucario for "replacing" Mewtwo in Brawl, it would be a lot worse if they got lazy and just gave Lucario, Mewtwo's moveset.

Here is the proper answer, Snake should just return (I highly doubt being third party is stopping him). While an Advance War's character gets his own unique moveset. Now Everybody is happy.


Smash Ace
May 26, 2014
Honestly, I could see Snake's moveset being inherited by a new character, but Andy would be a bad fit. Sami looks the part better, I think Andy would fit with a unique moveset better.

Also something nobody considers is Inklings having a ink-based version of Snake's moves. Not only does it remove the threat of the moveset being "too violent" or whatever, since it's super cartoony, but it would a character Nintendo would want to add.
Sami would definitely be the better choice for inheriting Snake's moveset, and the more popular one. Andy isn't much of a fighter, he's a mechanic, and a little kid. If he is introduced, he should have a unique moveset based on spawning units and such, inspired directly by Advance Wars.

It would be really weird to see Andy pulling out a grenade launcher or a bazooka, but Sami is perfect! Or if a more recent character would be preferred, Henry from Codename S.T.E.A.M. could also work (though I feel like he has potential for a unique moveset using a steam-related mechanic).
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the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
Andy using explosives and guns wouldn't make much sense. Sami, on the other hand...


Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2011
Sorry but Andy just doesn't mesh well with that moveset, I think a better moveset for him would to be more like Olimars where he controls his units instead of doing the actual fighting. I second the others that Sami fits much better as a Snake replacement.


Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2011
I am 110% in favor of an Advance Wars Character inheriting Snake's moves.


Too Drunk to Smash
Aug 11, 2006
NH, Discord: SB#6077
Switch FC
SW 5369-1969-6280
...is a retro fighter and is exempt from that. Advance Wars is hardly retro, considering it had two major installments on the DS.
Also, a DH rebirth isn't out of the question, given what happened with Kid Icarus, and especially now that DHD has a "Banjo-Kazooie" thing going on.


Smash Cadet
Nov 15, 2014
A character from Advance Wars taking up Snake's moveset sounds like lazy development and not very original. You might as well have Dillon taking up Sonic's moveset as well. An Advance Wars character will no doubt receive a lot of hate for "replacing" a popular Smash Veteran similar to poor Lucario supposedly "replacing" Mewtwo who ironically doesn't even have the same fighting style. Only thing they share is an energy ball and even that has different properties and mechanics such as "taking more damage and your attacks get stronger." Just have Snake return and have an Advance Wars character make his or her debut. Whatever customize moves Snake doesn't get shall go to the Advance Wars character which shouldn't be hard as each character has something unique to them. Although I don't know much about Advance Wars so I don't know what represents them like how Snake's cardboard box and his remote control gravity defying missile (Nikita) represents.


Smash Ace
May 26, 2014
A character from Advance Wars taking up Snake's moveset sounds like lazy development and not very original. You might as well have Dillon taking up Sonic's moveset as well. An Advance Wars character will no doubt receive a lot of hate for "replacing" a popular Smash Veteran similar to poor Lucario supposedly "replacing" Mewtwo who ironically doesn't even have the same fighting style. Only thing they share is an energy ball and even that has different properties and mechanics such as "taking more damage and your attacks get stronger." Just have Snake return and have an Advance Wars character make his or her debut. Whatever customize moves Snake doesn't get shall go to the Advance Wars character which shouldn't be hard as each character has something unique to them. Although I don't know much about Advance Wars so I don't know what represents them like how Snake's cardboard box and his remote control gravity defying missile (Nikita) represents.
Except the whole idea behind this theoretical scenario is that Sakurai would want to have Snake return, but can't for legal reasons.

In this situation, it's either someone inherits his moveset or it's gone for good.
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