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What I want out of SSB4.

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The Sick Kirby (TSK)

Smash Cadet
Nov 3, 2010
Starting with Melee's physics and engine, or at the very least considering them an initial reference point.

Shield modifications: The shield is now a rotatable semi-circle that you can angle when shielding. The shield and dodge buttons are now separate. Light shielding increases your semi-circle shield into a full circle shield, but causes more shieldstun on you when hit. Shield semicircle and full circle size still deteriorate over time, allowing for easier shield pokes. Light shield can be angled around too, most useful once it starts getting smaller. Also, this shield can be used in the air, since it's a different button.

Dodge modifications: I actually want Brawl's ability to multiple airdodge. It's not too bad of a concept in a faster paced game. That's the only real dodge modification I'd make except for dodging being a different button than shielding. Rolling would be accomplished like a smash attack with the dodge button.

Airdashing: All characters can airdash in any direction in place of their second jump. This is how new wavedashing would be accomplished, like mvc3, just airdashing towards the ground to slide. Airdashdodging would be like airdodging in Melee.

DI & Smash DI: Nothing much to change here.

Dashdancing: Nothing much to change here, every character gets a certain distance they can dash before their dashdance turns into a turn around slide. The distances should be about that of Melee to allow for legitimate mindgames and fast paced play. Nothing like brawl's dashdancing.

Types of new attacks:

1. Large hitstun attacks (such as electricity) that set up anyone hit by them to be hit again fairly easily. Large histun attacks would undergo rapid histun deterioration and be countered by good smash di as well. Also, I wanna see some damn skeletons on my electric attacks.

2. DoT attacks, such as fire attacks and shadow attacks. Fire dot could go away faster if dashdanced and shadow dot could go away faster if you light shield for a bit.

3. Debuff attacks. Attacks that if hit by, slightly decrease aspects of your opponent, such as their aerial speed, running speed, damage output, etc. These attacks could be either individual attacks that are fairly hard to hit with or things such as Arakune's bug meter (blazblue in case anybody reading this doesn't know lol) that require a certain number of hits with a certain type of move to get the debuff off.

4. Airgrabs. Airgrabbing an opponent results in an autothrow based on the character you're playing, since dragging people down or choosing your throw direction would be broken.

Cancelling and such: L-cancelling, spin-cancelling, edge-cancelling, more cancelling than the imaginary console this game is on has room for.

IASA frames: More ground moves should have iasa frames into other ground moves/jumping/shielding/dashing, depending on the move and such.

Edgegrabbing invulnerability frames: directly translated from Melee. Being forced into waiting until your frames are gone before you can move is completely unacceptable. Forced lag is never cool, I'm looking at you barlw/Nintendo in general. >:|

Now if I could just get Nintendo to hire me to be the competitive designer for the next SSB. Or even Sony, if they'd let me design a fighting game like this with the DI capabilities of their controllers it'd be a damn amazing game. Heck, I could even make this good for Microsoft if they decided they wanted to try to compete against SSB, which would be a good move for them since they have very few decent exclusives.

Hey, I can dream, ok?

The Sick Kirby (TSK)

Smash Cadet
Nov 3, 2010
But... but then I have to actually browse through 80 pages of bs I don't care about before I feel like I can actually post. It's much more fun if we just have a billion threads like this everywhere imo.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Then I have to look at 80 threads of BS I don't want to see.

Sounds like a personal problem. Get over it.

Deleted member

We don't need thousands of these threads now. Wait until it get it's own subforum.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2007
What SSB Fan and Iblis said. Go to the 3DS thread if it's such a problem. It only has 5 pages so far.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
We don't need thousands of these threads now. Wait until it get it's own subforum.
Which may be a looongggg time from now.

Not saying that topics should be made like this. We're getting way too far ahead of ourselves to begin with. We are going to be hyping up this game forever and speculating over nothing. We're going to be even more burnt out with SSB4 than we were with SSBB.

(Unless SSB4 actually turns out to be good. ;))
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