Smash Cadet
I'm studying education in college, and I've been taking classes on classroom management, which means how to maintain order in class. Contrary to popular belief, not all teachers are slave-drivers whose only desire is for their students to regurgitate useless facts on even more useless tests that have no meaning or purpose other than a grade. Some of us actually want students to learn, and enjoy it. But I'll save that for another thread
What I've seen and studied a lot is parents dumping their children off at school and that's all the interest they take in what their kids are learning. And it goes beyond that. The whole videogame controversy that violence is what made the columbine shooters violent only looked at the surface of the problem: that there is violence in video games that can promote violent tendencies. But what were these kids' parents doing? Were they paying attention to the video games, did they take notice of their children becoming more aggressive or violent? No. And when their children act out, instead of taking responsibility for not taking care of their kids, they need to find something to blame, from bad schools to bad friends to videogames, instead of thinking what they, the parents, were doing while their children were developing bad habits, or worse. It takes courage to take responsibility for your actions, and from what I've seen, this is a nation of cowards.