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We need a new type of online lobby.


Aug 14, 2015
For glory needs an update. Half or more of my matches are decided before they start because of how bad the lag is.

For Glory needs the a new system where people host and you can see a list of the hosts and their connection with you. You can pick the good connections and not constantly be stuck in laggy lobbies.

Smash Wii U netcode is bad enough but the fact that it doesnt let you sort or pick who you play just makes it 10x worse.

Earlier I was playing For Glory Smash and it took 10 seconds for it to count down from 3 then another minute or 2 to even hit 30 seconds game time... at that point I just killed myself twice and tried to find another room. I should be stuck in rooms like this.

Or... of we don't want a lobby system. Give us a signal indicator when someone joins. A little thing showing how well we connect BEFORE we both hit ready. If the connection is bad, i'll find another room.
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