Most "pros" completely fool themselves into thinking wavedashing is everything, when in reality it's probably the most overrated advanced technique ever. Thinking that they'll probably be put back to "noob" status without their precious wavedashing, they probably think it's easier to just reject Brawl and continue to play Melee so they don't have to re-train themselves to play the game and be any good.
I personally couldn't care if they remove wavedashing or not. I don't use it, because I've been playing for 6 years without it and trying to work it into a match only slows me down, and I don't think it's worth killing myself to learn. Plus, I'll have a hearty laugh at all of the "pros" if it is removed.
Regardless, do look/post in the other wavedashing thread first. And work on your grammar, if we didn't have to decipher what you said before reading it, we probably would've given a straight answer faster.