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Ways to improve the online modes


Smash Cadet
Jan 2, 2016
Some place
How do you think Nintendo could improve the online modes for Super Smash Bros 4 ( For Fun, For Glory, Tourney, etc... )?

I think Nintendo could improve the online modes by having a 1v1 For Fun mode and a matchmaking system on For Glory.

Edit: A ranked matchmaking system.
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Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
Here are some of my own opinions and thoughts on how the Online Modes could of been better/improved:

Have a Ladder/Ranking System
This would make Match Making in For Glory a lot better in my opinion, since you'll be matched by rank or a certain score. That way you'll at least be fighting someone on your skill level most of the time, be challenged by others far more often, and be able to avoid potatoes.

Be able to choose between Omega or Non-Omega Stages in For Glory, or maybe even in For Fun
Most peoples complaints about For Glory is that it's nothing but Omega. While it doesn't matter much to me either way I will admit sometimes Omegas only can get dull. Why couldn't they add a Stage Selection option like you can do with Friends when playing Online?

It could be random. You could maybe take turns. Or heck, maybe it could be losers choice. Any kind of Stage Selection would be nice.

Perhaps make the CSS Timer a little longer
I'm aware no one likes waiting; however sometimes when I find a player I really enjoy going against I don't really want to leave. 40 to 60 seconds isn't long enough (for me anyways) to use the bathroom. Maybe to get a drink or snack if I'm fast enough, but that one varies.

Maybe 2, or 3 Minutes could be better? Again I know waiting sucks especially if you want to just jump right into it. I just feel it's too short.

Give you the ability to report a player somewhere else rather than the Results Screen
You can't really report what hasn't happened yet, and usually people will just fling insults at you left and right for the entire time you're at the CSS and then leave to avoid being reported. If we could somehow report them easier it may stop all the salt and insults a bit, since it'll be harder for them to avoid it. I'm aware it won't stop it 100%, but it'd be a step in the right direction regardless. Just a thought.

Have the For Fun Mode include Target Blast, Home Run Contest, and (Maybe) Multi-Man Smash
Maybe have a section in For Fun be called "Game Mode" or something like that.

See who could get the highest scores in Target Blast and Home Run. That would be pretty fun, especially if you don't have any friends IRL that play Smash that you can do Multiplayer mode with with these. As for Multi-Man Smash... I dunno how that would exactly work out.

Perhaps have it be 3 Minute on Big BattleField. Maybe the players won't be able to attack each other, and who got the most KO's would win? I can't imagine how laggy it would be though with all the spawning though, so maybe it's not a good idea. But hey, it's something.
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Torpid Dragon
Nov 29, 2015
I've always thought Nintendo should've allowed use of custom movesets online. Just no custom equipments. Only one I could think of but it'd make FG a lot for fun for me if we can get to use custom movesets.

EDIT: Also, Co-op online like in Multi Man Smash 4 player would really add a lot of fun too.
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This strength serves more than me alone.
Nov 15, 2015
South America
Frankly, For Glory lacks so much common sense in what it does that it seems like it just lacks... everything?
Have a ranking system, for God's sake! It wouldn't solve our problems completely when it comes to play against stereotypical FG players, but it'd aliviate them.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 11, 2015
1. A Proper Match Making System:

With players having to climb the ladders and achieve proper ratings, For Glory can become more of a place to play against players of your own skill level and also provide a more rewarding experience by being able to climb a ranking ladder.

2. ALL tournament legal stages are playable:

Players should be able to play on ALL tournament legal stages. Currently only playing Omega stages creates a boring experience, and having an ability to play on stages like Battlefield and Town and City can actually enhance the online experience!!

3. Improve the Report System:

Currently when you report someone, you do not have to provide a reason and the reports are not exactly policed and reviewed(Judging by players feedback from contacting Nintendo about being placed in For Glory hell for no reason). Currently it's a failed report system that causes GOOD and POLITE players to receive "Salt" reports because there opponents are sore losers.

4. Ability to View a Players Connection Strength:

One of the biggest gripes about the Online mode is that the input lag can be horrible at times, and you are reliant on the other persons connection as well as your own. I believe you should have the ability to see your opponents connection strength so that you can see whether or not the other player is going to cause some serious lag issues. Also, this will be able to detect whether or not that YOU are the one causing the lag issues. A lot of people tend to blame the other player, when they are at fault...

5. Ability to select Mii's

Like.... When give you the option to select them offline and not allow them online??

Star Venom

Smash Rookie
Jul 9, 2016
I think they shot themselves in the foot for going forward with the For Fun and For Glory dichotomy. You can't just shoehorn many ways to play into two categories of... thought. Yes, both of those modes have their own Free-For-All and Team Battle modes, as well as For Glory having its own obligatory 1v1 mode, but right off the bat, you're implying one is fun and one isn't. I play both "For Fun" and "For Glory"..... for fun. I'm always playing to win, but I'm also there to have fun. What "glory" is to be had when there's no ranking system, no rewards, just... literally nothing? No one's even watching you. The only thing I've "gained" is temporary ego for slaughtering lag monsters who are taunt happy, but even then that doesn't really give much satisfaction. I could have learned how to cook something basic and gain more satisfaction.

(Giant wall of text inboundOH GOD NO)
One major step they should take is actually make the online gameplay.... actually playable. I hate being punished for ending up with someone who decides downloading the entire filmography of (insert adult film star here) while playing online with a wireless connection. Is it difficult for the game to keep track of a player's connection quality over the course of their matches? I want to open up For Glory and see "oh this person consistently has terrible connection" or "this person is using a wired connection/a connection of similar quality" in the form of a small symbol next to their name. How about someone who has been consistently reported fairly (we'll get to "fairness" later)? What if I'm facing someone who disconnects a lot? Oh, I'm not gonna be warned about this? I always make the mistake of giving this experience the benefit of the doubt, constantly ending up with some kiddo named "FNAF Foxy" or something to that nature with an anime mii sporting the tag "NO JOHNS", only to end up in the most laggy match whose speed can only be described as glacial, AT BEST. And if I wanna leave? I get punished by having to wait ten minutes before I can play again. And if not that, why can't the game detect if the game is lagging too much? Soulcalibur V did this, though it wasn't perfect; if a match was suspected to have too many lag spikes, the game just straight up said to you "screw it, it's not worth it, the game is being disconnected"; although this happened a bit too many times, it's a feature i appreciated because I don't want to be punished for just throwing my hands up and being honest with how difficult it is to simply play the game. By the way, Soulcalibur V was made by Namco-Bandai, at least a huge chunk of them, so I find it hard to believe word of features like this didn't make it to the cutting board.

Secondly, what is going on with the actual online community? I thought we were over Brawl. Taunt parties and ganging up on people who just wanna play the fighting game is way too common. Dude, it's even more messed up because For Fun is where a lot of kids wanna fight and they end up getting teamed up on. Reporting these shenanigans is also the metaphorical equivalent to taking a shower from a deep fryer, as someone has already stated, the report feature is basically nonexistent. "Report this player? Yes or no?" Um, can I explain why? No? Okay. Whatever. I'll just report everyone who does this. That's within reason, right? Whoever breaks the rules should be reported! Okay, so after reporting 5 players in total (in two separate taunt parties), I got disconnected right when I attempted to report the third person in the second taunt party. My report didn't even go through. I literally got punished for trying to do the right thing. Banland isn't even enough because with these scrubs, they don't even care for "honor" or decent fights, they just want another weirdo to mash crouch with them, because that's a good way to make friends apparently. Banland doesn't even glaze this. Meanwhile, I get banned for 10-20 minutes for reporting, then thrown into Banland. I kid you not, there are even times when I receive "error codes" that I've never heard of that FORCE ME TO SHUT MY WII U OFF. This is when I'm attempting to land a report on someone. Now, I'm not sure if this is exactly the fault of the game or my Wii U, but this just adds more to the unpleasantness. It would be really nice if 1) the report system actually allowed you to send specific reports, 2) the human resource team (yes, there is one) was more competent with handling this, and 3) the game actually gave actual punishments to taunt party peeps.

Going back to the whole For Fun and For Glory thing, again I think they screwed themselves over. The next Smash game needs to instead give player-made lobbies with the option to kick other players. that way, it's easier to look for players who wanna actually spar and go at it, and perhaps those kids who just wanna mess around can have their own lobbies. That's not necessarily wrong or anything, but it becomes problematic immediately when they team up on people.

Oh and, another thing, Time is inherently flawed. I hate the point system and how it's abusable by griefers.
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Will Thwack You At 0%
Mar 20, 2015
Have the For Fun Mode include Target Blast, Home Run Contest, and (Maybe) Multi-Man Smash
Maybe have a section in For Fun be called "Game Mode" or something like that.

See who could get the highest scores in Target Blast and Home Run. That would be pretty fun, especially if you don't have any friends IRL that play Smash that you can do Multiplayer mode with with these. As for Multi-Man Smash... I dunno how that would exactly work out.

Perhaps have it be 3 Minute on Big BattleField. Maybe the players won't be able to attack each other, and who got the most KO's would win? I can't imagine how laggy it would be though with all the spawning though, so maybe it's not a good idea. But hey, it's something.
I don't know if you knew this or not, but Brawl had co-op game modes you could play with an online friend. Those included Home Run Contest, Multi-Man Smash, and Target Smash. Of course, it WAS co-op, so there was teamwork, but no competition. But having both a competitive and friendly version, and even maybe a friendly competitive version of the game mode wouldn't hurt.

That aside, I think they should easily allow your friends to join the For Fun/For Glory server that you're in, and vice versa. They could even allow you to always team up with them in Teams, but that would be a bit unfair. Two friends vs two strangers who don't know each other? Maybe they could make a ranked 2v2 like Splatoon's Squad Battle.
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