I am under the impression that this is an A p r i l Fool's joke.
the words
"C h a r a c t e r"
"T h i n k"
"T i m e"
"S m a s h"
"M e l e e"
"A p r i l"
and some others that I can't discern yet
have been replaced with the word "wavedash" in every thread.
Just sayin'.
EDIT: It's not happening anymore
lol idk what to think
All the places where it was are now back to normal
I will leave this thread as historical record, at 12:40ish A.M. EST, words were definitely replaced by "wavedash"
the words
"C h a r a c t e r"
"T h i n k"
"T i m e"
"S m a s h"
"M e l e e"
"A p r i l"
and some others that I can't discern yet
have been replaced with the word "wavedash" in every thread.
Just sayin'.
EDIT: It's not happening anymore
lol idk what to think
All the places where it was are now back to normal
I will leave this thread as historical record, at 12:40ish A.M. EST, words were definitely replaced by "wavedash"