Smash Rookie
Hello Smashboards-Community,
I'm Nirbion and I'm glad to finally see the opportunity to enter SmashBoards. Honestly, I always stalked SmashBoards when a new Smash-Game is coming out and always enjoyed your discussions about possible characters. But now, being the Designer for SourceGaming, I think I should finally get more in touch with you, the Smash-Community.
I'm a Smash-Fan since the very first N64-Game released in Europe (Germany). Since then, Smash Bros. is one of my favorite games of all time. But I'm more here for the "Nintendo-Fanservice", even though I love the gameplay. It's incredible and fascinating how Sakurai and his team put in so many lovable details in every part of Smash. So I'm not really a competitive player, but at least I can handle Lv.9-CPU's something? But I'm playing more for fun instead for glory. My favorite Smash-Game is...oooph, can't decide between Melee and Smash 3DS/WiiU. Right now, I love them equally (Melee more for nostalgic reasons).
As you may notice, I'm a Nintendo-Fan (Isn't that everybody here?). I own other consoles like Vita, 360 (and of course some older SEGA-Consoles) and I'm usually open minded towards new games (or new systems), but I always find a way back to Ninendo-consoles. As mentioned in the Thread-title, I'm a HUGE Kirby-Fan. With owning almost every Kirby-Game (Damn you, Kira Kira Kids!!!), I still can't get enough of this Pink Puff. And yes, I'm a Bandana Dee 4 Smash-Supporter
Besides videogames, I also love animation-movies or series. Once in a while, I find myself watching a more realistic movie, but my true love still lies in animation. I don't care if Anime or Cartoon, I like them both equally. My favorite movie is Fantasia, though (and Who Framed Roger Rabbit, of course).
I think I told you enough about me (It became longer than planned). I don't know if I can contribute much to this community, because I'm kinda a shy guy. But I'm certain that's no issue when I know you better and I hope we can get along.
Hope we'll see us soon!
I'm Nirbion and I'm glad to finally see the opportunity to enter SmashBoards. Honestly, I always stalked SmashBoards when a new Smash-Game is coming out and always enjoyed your discussions about possible characters. But now, being the Designer for SourceGaming, I think I should finally get more in touch with you, the Smash-Community.
I'm a Smash-Fan since the very first N64-Game released in Europe (Germany). Since then, Smash Bros. is one of my favorite games of all time. But I'm more here for the "Nintendo-Fanservice", even though I love the gameplay. It's incredible and fascinating how Sakurai and his team put in so many lovable details in every part of Smash. So I'm not really a competitive player, but at least I can handle Lv.9-CPU's something? But I'm playing more for fun instead for glory. My favorite Smash-Game is...oooph, can't decide between Melee and Smash 3DS/WiiU. Right now, I love them equally (Melee more for nostalgic reasons).
As you may notice, I'm a Nintendo-Fan (Isn't that everybody here?). I own other consoles like Vita, 360 (and of course some older SEGA-Consoles) and I'm usually open minded towards new games (or new systems), but I always find a way back to Ninendo-consoles. As mentioned in the Thread-title, I'm a HUGE Kirby-Fan. With owning almost every Kirby-Game (Damn you, Kira Kira Kids!!!), I still can't get enough of this Pink Puff. And yes, I'm a Bandana Dee 4 Smash-Supporter

Besides videogames, I also love animation-movies or series. Once in a while, I find myself watching a more realistic movie, but my true love still lies in animation. I don't care if Anime or Cartoon, I like them both equally. My favorite movie is Fantasia, though (and Who Framed Roger Rabbit, of course).
I think I told you enough about me (It became longer than planned). I don't know if I can contribute much to this community, because I'm kinda a shy guy. But I'm certain that's no issue when I know you better and I hope we can get along.
Hope we'll see us soon!