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Wario man (and other final smashes)


Smash Lord
May 26, 2012
So i havent played as warioman yet, but i'm thinking about other implications with his changes. One thing i am wondering (for whoever has played as him so far) is, does he feel more balanced now? Obviously being a final smash he's going to be much more powerful than normal characters, but does he fit better now?

Knowing this major change has happened to warios final smah is making me wonder if there will be any other major changes put into final smashes. I do hope this is the case. Ive talked about this before.. final smashes are a good idea to have in smash bros, but they're quite imbalanced at this point. Some are extremely easy to do and can be used to kill everyone on screen, others are extremely difficult to pull off, some are just way too powerful, some are too weak/do nothing etc etc. So I really hope the team takes some time to make all final smashes feel balanced, and removes the issue of some final smashes meaning you instantly get at least one kill no matter what.

Also, it would be very nice if there were a mode/option where you could set it up so that final smashes can be charged via a special meter. This would make getting final smashes more rewarding rather than getting them via the smash ball which can really happen through random chance.

The meter could take many things into account:

To increase special meter - damge given, kills, using defense as a good offence, croud cheering, how much taunting you do

Decrease/loss of special meter - idling/being too defensive (ie doing nothing but dodging or running away - not engaging in battle at all), damage taken, dying, time limit to use the final smash before losing it

this would really add a level of statagy to the final smashes and would make them usable (perhaps not competitively, but at least for fun without being WAYYY OP).

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Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2013
I like your idea, but im pretty sure its something we wont see, seems too complex, also pmdt has stated final smashes are not a priority, but i agree with you with changing some fs.

I would really like something like giga bowser and wario man for sonic, meaning a playable super sonic, im pretty sure this can be done if im correct ive seem psa that do this. Or even octo game and watch :0, like gig bowser vs octo game and watch/ super sonic vs wario man.. Well maybe i exagerated with the game and watch one but the playable super sonic would be amazing!!!!
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Smash Lord
May 26, 2012
They may have said that FS's aren't a priority, but they've come a long way since then, so they could slowly start raising up on the priorities list. Of course this is just speculation and based on no evidence (except that there have been some changes to FS's in the past and now warrioman). One can hope!

More transformations could be cool too. It would be awesome if they could use some wizardry to make ganon an actual playable character rather than a one animation garbage FS lol.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2013
They may have said that FS's aren't a priority, but they've come a long way since then, so they could slowly start raising up on the priorities list. Of course this is just speculation and based on no evidence (except that there have been some changes to FS's in the past and now warrioman). One can hope!

More transformations could be cool too. It would be awesome if they could use some wizardry to make ganon an actual playable character rather than a one animation garbage FS lol.
I thought about ganon but it would just be too weird... what about OoT Ganon though :0?
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