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Want to play SSB64 online! Please help!


Smash Rookie
Nov 30, 2014
Hey everyone,

New to this site and have been trying to download SSB64 online since I recently found out about it and have been playing on an actual n64 for yeaaaarrrsssss now (with the same group of 6 people lol). Would be nice to get some online gameage!

So I have watched several videos on how to download emulators, which to use, how to get the ROMs and extract, yada yada. Its still not working.

The project64k opens the ROM but it gives an error message. I'll try to attach an image to show you.

Possible problems?
- Running Windows 8 - I have heard this game needs to be run on 16 bit. I tried to change my 32 bit to 16 bit but there is literally no other option. Am I simply SOL or can this game be run on a 32 bit?
- Coolrom.com - So coolrom.com, as I hear, is the best site to got to for SSB downloads and rom downloads in general. This site has had n64 roms banned or something since there seems to be none there anymore.
+ I downloaded an SSB64 rom from another fairly trusted site and it looks right in the project64k emulator. idk
- Any and all myriad of other problems as far as extraction, compatability, etc. that I don't know about.

Let me know if any tech savvy badass person here is down to help me get online :)
Too down to Smash it up online and see how we compete in them big leagues.



Smash Journeyman
May 23, 2014
Bloomington, IN
First off, welcome to the boards.

As for your problems I would check out the index if you haven't already done so under playing online section. Thread here: http://smashboards.com/threads/smash-64-index-read-here-first.350305/
You can also check out this video guide which helped me set up when I first started: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oUBzXeRo-E&list=UU6Obfr3Nhk-ijAbJOXeEn1Q

For your specific problems I'm not sure about the 16 or 32 but windows 8 OS or anything about but I would think there would be a way to run it.

Make sure the ROM is "(U) (!)" to play online. A google search will help you find other sites.

Hope this helped and hopefully someone with more tech skill than me can give you more insight or specific guidance.


Smash Master
Oct 27, 2005
Edmonton, Alberta
you can run project64k on 32 and 64 bit just fine. If you're having download problems, try a different site or the same site with a different browser.
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