Smash Rookie
Hello everyone who decided to click this thread or hovered over the title! I'm kind of new to being on forums and since this is a smash community I know for a fact there will be lots of helpful people. Back when I was about 6 or 7 years old my two older brothers had bought a copy of Super Smash Bros. Melee. I never really played our N64 back when we had one, mostly because I was to young and didn't even know how to work a controller. Me and my brothers never had Smash for N64 so this was all of our first time playing it.
When we got Melee we only had 2 controllers and since I was the youngest of the 3 of us they were first to play it. I saw them play a couple rounds so when I asked to play they were already pretty good at the game. I started playing with my second oldest and I kept losing. I was bad at all games back then so thinking back to it I'm not surprised. Regardless I kept playing. We played it allot but I never got good.
A couple of years later we bought a Nintendo Wii and then later bought Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Long story short, I was still just as bad. I couldn't get good with anyone. My brother would even get mad at me and make me stop playing when I kept making us die on the Sub Space Emissary. Eventually our Wii for some reason wasn't able to read disks. So we couldn't play anything except for Wii Ware games which most of the ones I can remember having were Super Metroid and Super Mario 64.
Fast forward to a couple of months ago. We had already heard about Smash 4 and saw all the Summer Leaks. At this point I was very invested in the Smash Community. I was watching tournaments, documentaries and all sorts of other stuff! Soon I bought a copy of Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS. I played the crap out of that game! I unlocked all the characters in less than 2 days! My brother was kind of jealous but my oldest brother didn't really care. I eventually started getting really good at the game and beating people online.
During Black Friday my middle brother bought a Wii U along with DK Tropical Freeze, Nintendo Land, Super Mario 3D World, and SUPER SMASH BROS. FOR WII U! I was so hyped, we immediately started playing it and long story short (again) I got super good! I learned short hops, foot stool, dash dancing, perfect pivots, true combos, infinite combos, ranging, kill moves, WOMBO COMBOS!
I know main Captain Falcon and never lose to my brothers! My eldest brother is the 3rd best of us, middle brother is 2nd best, and I am THE best! I rarely lose on 1v1 for glory online. Maybe two times out of every 15 rounds. I'm so proud of myself and now that I consider myself good I think I might be ready for my first tournament! However, I am aware that there are many players much stronger than me. Even if I lose, I still want to learn from them! I want to face people who can give me a reality check! I want to learn from the best...
...and that is why I'm here!
When we got Melee we only had 2 controllers and since I was the youngest of the 3 of us they were first to play it. I saw them play a couple rounds so when I asked to play they were already pretty good at the game. I started playing with my second oldest and I kept losing. I was bad at all games back then so thinking back to it I'm not surprised. Regardless I kept playing. We played it allot but I never got good.
A couple of years later we bought a Nintendo Wii and then later bought Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Long story short, I was still just as bad. I couldn't get good with anyone. My brother would even get mad at me and make me stop playing when I kept making us die on the Sub Space Emissary. Eventually our Wii for some reason wasn't able to read disks. So we couldn't play anything except for Wii Ware games which most of the ones I can remember having were Super Metroid and Super Mario 64.
Fast forward to a couple of months ago. We had already heard about Smash 4 and saw all the Summer Leaks. At this point I was very invested in the Smash Community. I was watching tournaments, documentaries and all sorts of other stuff! Soon I bought a copy of Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS. I played the crap out of that game! I unlocked all the characters in less than 2 days! My brother was kind of jealous but my oldest brother didn't really care. I eventually started getting really good at the game and beating people online.
During Black Friday my middle brother bought a Wii U along with DK Tropical Freeze, Nintendo Land, Super Mario 3D World, and SUPER SMASH BROS. FOR WII U! I was so hyped, we immediately started playing it and long story short (again) I got super good! I learned short hops, foot stool, dash dancing, perfect pivots, true combos, infinite combos, ranging, kill moves, WOMBO COMBOS!
I know main Captain Falcon and never lose to my brothers! My eldest brother is the 3rd best of us, middle brother is 2nd best, and I am THE best! I rarely lose on 1v1 for glory online. Maybe two times out of every 15 rounds. I'm so proud of myself and now that I consider myself good I think I might be ready for my first tournament! However, I am aware that there are many players much stronger than me. Even if I lose, I still want to learn from them! I want to face people who can give me a reality check! I want to learn from the best...
...and that is why I'm here!
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