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Wand of MYM-Chapter 1


Smash Cadet
Aug 13, 2009
Link to original post: [drupal=2855]Wand of MYM-Chapter 1[/drupal]

I'm putting Chapter 1 of my SM here because it won't let me update the other post for some reason.

(No map at start of Chapter)

There is, in a way, a law of fate. Everyone's going to accomplish predestined things because they were meant to. But, some people break that mold of fate. And they can impact the timeline on an entire world or even galaxy. Let me tell you about the time the Star Fox band of pilots fought against the menace of the Aparoids. Oh, an amazing war, let me tell you. It all started when Andrew Oikonny, the evil dictator Andross's nephew, started a revolt against the Cornerians. Then Fox and the Star Fox Team came to save the day and blasted Oikonny's ship right off of Planet Fortuna. Then came the Aparoids. They attacked Fortuna, and killed off and assimilated most of Oikonny's troops. However, fighting valiantly, Fox and his team managed to stop the menace. But consider this; what if someone who could freely act against fate removed and added key elements in the outcome? What would happen then?​

Level 1.1: Kremlngs above Fortuna
The Camera focuses to a Rusty Red Battleship floating above the planet Fortuna. Andrew Oikonny is at the controls of this flying behemoth, giving commands to his legions of troops around the ship, and also having a conversation with an unknown Crocodilian figure.

Oikonny: So, you think you can take care of those pests, Star Fox?

Klubba: Only if you have my dough, monkey boy.

Oikonny: But of course. Now, We've prepared a ship...

Klubba: Oh, I don't need a ship, boss. Just give me an oxygen tank or something.

Oikonny: ...Alright then. I'll give you mission updates through this headset. *Hands Klubba Headset* Don't lose it.

Klubba: I won't boss. I swear.

The Scene shifts to Klubba being outfitted for space travel, complete with Space. Then he is fired out of the airlock and into the space battle itself.

Oikonny: I've heard Star Fox have just arrived! Get to them and terminate them!

Characters: Klubba
Stock: 3
BGM: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80Cp3...eature=related
Klubba is now in deep space(wearing a space suit), riding on Venomian Ships, avoiding Cornerian fire, as he attempts to make his way across the Venomian ships to the Star Fox team. Falling off the screen means instant death, if not obvious. There are no enemies here, but Klubba will need to dodge when Oikonny warns 'Look Out!' through the headset, or he'll be pelted by enemy fire which deals 5% damage with medium knockback, which you do not need when trying to stay on the ships. This will happen once every 10 seconds at standard. Anyway, you'll have to keep climbing through the until you reach your destination. That is, Slippy's Arwing.


Fox: What-What is that?

Peppy: Slippy, Do a Barrel Roll(Press Z or R twice)!

Klubba: I'm Klubba, and you guys are in a world of hurt.

Falco: That's what you think, Reptite boy!

Krystal: Fox, his thought patterns....He may be more trouble than we can handle.

Falco: This idiot? Yeah right! I'll take him out!

Characters: Klubba
Stock: 3
BGM: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5ZBu3nHJkM
Opponents: Fox in Arwing, Falco in Arwing, Slippy in Arwing, Krystal in Arwing
Stage Description: There is no stage. The tops of the arwings are the only solid surfaces.
Basically, you're fighting the Arwings. While standing on them. Yup.
Arwing: Follows the player and fires laser shots which deal 5% damage and medium knockback, just like in the rest of the stage. Although they may shoot a Smart Bomb, which functions like throwing a Smart Bomb! However, this can hurt its own allied ships.

After the battle, the only 2 Arwings still intact are Fox's and Slippy's(Somehow). They've managed to knock Klubba out, regardless if you won or lost that battle.

Fox: He was tougher than we thought...

Slippy: Yeah, he was Fox. Anyway, over there! Andrew! He's fleeing!

Oikonny: Gah! That Klubba pest was more useless than I thought-What's that?

Suddenly, a bright light flashes on Fox's Arwing, his body engulfed in light.

Fox: Huh? What?

Fox suddenly vanishes from his arwing, without a trace to be found. Fox now finds himself floating with a large box, with blue waves of energy making up it. Three eyes as red as fire leer at Fox.

?????'s Voice: Humanoid Mammal, it is shown through my data that you would have managed to help foil my plans eventually. So, I will use my powers to banish you to another realm. Farewell, Son of James.

Fox: Wait, who are you-.....?

All is black for a while. Then he wakes up in a forest, looking around.

Fox: Man, that was a crazy drea-Am I still sleeping? Where am I?

Fox tries to get up, but then discovers he's already standing.

Fox: What!? Have I shrunk!? What's going on-

During his sentence, Fox accidently sprays a sheet of web in front of him.

Fox: Wh-Wh-What!? What's happening to me!?

Fox Tthen rushes over to a nearby pool of Water and peers in, seeing the reflection of caterpie(Although not realizing what it is).


Coins Won: 50
Characters Unlocked: caterpie
Chapters or Stages unlocked: Azalea Town and Surroundings Map
Bonus: None


(Forest Area, town to the outskirts of it)
Default Stock for Map: 5(Heals one at shops)
Welcome to the first map of the game. Here you go!

Red-Starting Point
Green-Levels(Numbered. Op. means optional(Not featured here))
Blue-Challenge Level
Black Lines-Level Connectors
Light Blue Lines-Story Progression opens level.​

New Level name template: Chapter Number-Chapter World Number-Level Number-Level Name

Now, onto the levels, shall we?

Level 1.1.1: Ilex Forest Center
Characters: caterpie(Fox)
BGM: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JM12PSSJkNs
Well, now you're playing as Caterpie, within the confines of the Ilex Forest. The forest is basically a straightforward level. It's just a straight path with a couple of gaps here and there, although there will be a part with gaps a Kirby wide and a Bowser apart! But the gaps are the least of your worries, as there are many enemies.
Caterpie: Not caterpie, CATERPIE! Sheesh, get it right. Anyway, Caterpie will attempt to use a cloned version of caterpie's forward special, and then attack with his cloned jab. 5 HP, common.
Metapod: Metapods do only one thing: Fall out of trees. Seriously, if the leaves above you start to rustle, move out of the way, because a Metapod will come crashing down in 1.5 seconds. This falling attack deals 5% damage and minor knockback. 5 HP, Uncommon'
Weedle: Weedle is kinda like Caterpie, but it does have a different attack. Poison Sting shoots a needle forwards about Mario's length at Ganondorf's walk, dealing 2% damage(And 1% damage every second for the next 3 seconds) and light knockback. 5 HP, Common
Kakuna: Kakuna's follow the same strategy as Metapods, except when they fall they'll fall a little more in the player's direction. They home a tad, in other words. Also, they're fall does 7% damage, but same knockback. 7 HP, Uncommon
Pidgey: Flies overhead, and occasionally dives down on the opponent for 4% damage and medium knockback. 5 HP, Common
Zubat: Zubats fly around just like Pidgeys. However, they have a different attack tactic. They will shoot a yellow glowing ball moving a Kirby's walk that will travel the widrth of Bowser before vanishing. If the player is hit by this ball, then he will deal 3% damage to the player, and heal himself 3% damage. 7 HP, Uncommon
Ledyba: Ledyba will hover after the player at Jiggypuff's walking speed, occasionally using Comet Punch, which hurls itself forward a Mario's width, dealing 7% damage and medium knockback if it connects. 7 HP, Rare.

Anyway, yeah. Then you'll enter a tree, which is infested with Caterpie and Weedle. Climb up the trunk for a while to find yourself above the branches.
Characters: caterpie
BGM: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQlnJIbPgQU
Opponents: Wave 1: 5 Caterpies, 5 Weedles Wave 2: 3 Caterpies, 3 Pidgeys, 3 Zubats Wave 3: 5 Pidgeys, 5 Zubats, 1 Ledyba
Stage Description: A tree branch sticking out high above the tree tops, tilted slightly, Ko's possible in all directions.
After you fight through all this, the level will end, and it will turn from day to night.

Coins Won: 50
Characters Unlocked: None
Chapters or Stages unlocked: Stage 2
Bonus: None

Level 1.1.2: Persistent Little Bug Catcher
Well, it's night. Most everyone is in bed. But not quite. caterpie(Fox) is still wandering around looking for a person to talk to, and explain his situation to. All of a sudden, he spots a Bug Catcher! caterpie attempts to alert Wayne(The Bug Catcher's Name) of his predicament, but all that comes out is a few sqeaks. However, Wayne realizes that there is a bug type nearby! He then spots caterpie, who sweatdrops at Wayne's evil expression!

Wayne: Caterpie! You are mine! Hyah!

Wayne then throws 2 Pokeballs out, revealing 2 Pokemon, Ledyba and Paras. Who attack!

Characters: caterpie
BGM: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReQw-...eature=related
Opponents: Wayne's Ledyba, Wayne's Paris
Stage Description: Essentially the Mario Kart stage, except withou the upper track of Shy Guy hazard. Just a flat stretch of forest land.
Wayne's Ledyba: Same thing as a regular Ledyba, except with 12 HP.
Wayne's Paras: This Paras will scurry towards you at Kirby's run. When close, he'll release Stun Spore, stunning the player for 1 second, leaving him open for Wayne's Ledyba! 12 HP
If you die here, I'll be amazed. These guys are a joke. Afterwards, Wayne's mouth will drop, and he'll pull out a surprise last pokemon.

Wayne: You'll be mine, Caterpie...All mine.

Fox: .........(Crap.)

Wayne: GO! SCIZOR!

Wayne throws a pokeball into the air, releasing Scizor, who looks at caterpie menacingly.
caterpie then bolts off, Scizor in hot pursuit.
Characters: caterpie
BGM: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hA5y...eature=related

After the chase sequence, caterpie will burst out forest and into a small clearing. Scizor flies out from behind, narrowly missing caterpie. In fact, it wouldn't have missed had it not been hit by Jigglypuff! Jigglypuff emerges from the woods, and decides to help this carterpie by slamming itself into Scizor. Wayne emerges from the woods, and orders his Scizor back up, and to fight! Scizor flies above everyone, and dives down, starting the battle!


Characters: caterpie, Jigglypuff Remix
BGM: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8ur7hl4EYY&feature=related
Stage Description: The same stage as before, except with no trees in the background, mountains instead.
Health: 100
Movement: Scizor will fly level with the player, but he moves in whatever left-or-right direction he pleases.
Strategy: Attack viciously, even when the opponent is far away.
Bullet Punch-Unleashes a set of 10 punches at Captain Falcon's punching speed, each one doing 1% damage and little knockback, low priority
Quick Attack-Scizor tackles the opponent at Fox's running speed. This attack has the range of about 1.3 Bowsers, and deals 7% damage with medium knockback and priority.
Razor Wind: Scizor conjurs up 3 glowing blades and fires them at the player, having unbeatable priority and 10% damage, high knockback.
Swords Dance: And image of 5 swords appears, circles Scizor, then are absorbed into him. This raises his next attack by an entire 5% damage.
Attacks added at 60 HP:
Baton Pass: Vanishes and sends in Wayne's Paras and Ledyba from earlier to fight you again. After they are defeated, he comes back in again. He can do this as many times as he wants, but if he is hit during the second it takes to pull this off he will remain in play,
Attacks Added at 30 HP:
Fury Cutter-Scizor slashes at the opponent 3 times, each with low priority. But if the first one hits(3%) the second will deal 6%, the 3rd 9% damage, the first 2 with light knockback, the last one not so.
X-Scissor: Makes 2 large slashing motions across the stage in an X-Pattern, dealing 12% damage and high knockback to those hit by this unbeatable priority attack.

After the battle, Scizor falls to the ground, fainted. Jigglypuff and caterpie look as tough as they possibly can while glaring at Wayne, who runs away, shouting something about Azalea Town. caterpie then turns to Jigglypuff and makes a couple of squeaks. Jigglypuff sighs and shrugs, not knowing anything about what Foxerpie speaks of. caterpie makes what one could assume would be a sigh, and keeps crawling along, Jigglypuff tagging along behind.

Coins Won: 75
Characters Unlocked: Jigglypuff Remix
Chapters or Stages unlocked: Campsite 1, Challenge 1, Level 3
Bonus: Party Formed(caterpie, Jigglypuff remix)

Quick little overview on the party system:
Whenever a group of characters joins forces they become a party, whenever there is more than one party out there, you can freely switch between them at the map screen.

Level 1.1.Challenge1: GS Ball Mayhem
Characters: Whoever you choose from your current party
BGM: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JM12PSSJkNs
Time Limit: 4 minutes
This stage is rather simple, yet harder then it may seem. I wouldn't recommend attempting this level right when you unlock it. The object of this level to complete the First 2 levels of Ilex forest over again(Except the Scizor boss fight). within 4 minutes WHILE holding the GS Ball item. The GS Ball has to be protected during the entire level, and has 25% HP, so don't let it get bashed up to much. In place of the Scizor boss battle there will be a shrine, and the GS ball will reveal the Pokemon Celebi there, who will grant the player 3 extra stocks and grant a protective barrier that will half all damage done to the player for one level(Can be activated on Map Screen).

Coins Won: 100
Characters Unlocked: None
Chapters or Stages unlocked: None
Bonus: 3 Stock, Celebi Shield

Level 1.1.Campsite1: Zubats are stupid
Characters: Whoever you choose from your current party.
BGM: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JM12PSSJkNs
Time Limit: 30 Seconds
Tent HP: 80
You have to protect your tent from Zubats. Yup. An endless supply of Zubats. However, they spawn rather slowly, so think of this as a stress release for their annoying numbers in every single Pokemon game.

Coins Won: 0
Characters Unlocked: None
Chapters or Stages unlocked: None
Bonus: 1 Stock

(Chapter 1 not finished yet)


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
I think this is the wrong section.
If it were the wrong section, I'd have said so.

Anything goes in this place, except for anything that breaks the Global Rules.
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