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Vs Mario

Jester Kirby

Smash Journeyman
Mar 15, 2008
Memphis, TN
What are some god stratagies you guys use vs a good mario player? I played this one guy, he was pro-mario. I wasn't doing too shabby but I was fighting like a blindman. I had never played a good Mario player before, he was so well ballanced. any tips?


Smash Apprentice
Apr 9, 2008
Roanoke VA
Shield Grab Fthrow up+a Fthrow up+a f+b combo always works, do it at low percent and you get to easily 45%. After that just play an evasion game. You are light but not as bad as in Melee. Make sure you downspike him any chance you can get. There's no variation he can do off stage and is quite helpless so that's where it's your turn to shine.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2008
There's no exact way to play against Mario because of his well-rounded style but I'd suggest staying close to him with aerials and try to shield grab; Mario's tilts and grabs are short ranged and you don't want Mario to control the match with fireballs or the F.L.U.D.D. Also, hope the player isn't good at B-sticking because it'll be almost impossible to follow up at close range with the cape's wavebounce, making Mario very hard to approach. Furthermore, Mario's recovery is good and can protect himself fairly well against edgeguarders but his Up B is very gimpable by edgehogging, but don't get careless because Mario can stall in the air, prevent you from staying too close to the ledge, and mindgame you into hugging the edge either too early or late; try using edgeguarding to distract the player (Of course if you kill them, you kill them) so that they’ll be forced to use their Up B early.

*Be careful of Mario’s deceptively long ranged smashes*

*DO NOT get edgeguarded, juggled, or miss a tech against Mario*

*Mario is an all-around character and can be played in virtually any style so learn to adapt to whatever kind of playing style you’re up against; most players will just throw out a wall of combos against you (Ha, get it? Wall, wall of combos, Wall of Pain…yah, I guess it’s not really that funny...but I try…) and approach with fireballs, but can camp too*


Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2008
A good Mario player that pretty much played with equal skill with me always kept moving back or forward in the air while using fireballs (is that called B-sticking?). You could try the same thing if you get his fireball power. I'd use final cutter on a Mario that's approaching you with fireballs. It's also good to air combo Mario a lot in the air. Just watch out for his down smash and you should be ok.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2008
B-sticking is the use of the C-stick for specials rather than smashes, usually to wavebounce. The Star Fox characters are about the only characters who don't really benefit from this; Falco has a bit of a wavebounce with his laser but it isn't really worth sacrificing the C-stick for smashes because of how small it is and what limited uses it has (It might be ok for spacing but that’s about it). Some characters benefit greatly from wavebouncing such as Lucas, Ness, and Zamus; Mario doesn't get a huge boost from wavebouncing but he gets enough to gain advantages from it.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2008
A wavebounce is when you hold forward and press back on the C-stick while moving forward giving a noticeable recoil effect for some characters. Mario's cape has a good wavebounce which allows it to be used as more offensive tool and reduces the risks in using it against attacks.

*Check this if you have more questions: http://super-smash-bros.wikia.com/wiki/B-Sticking*
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