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Video Request (to work on Brawl sprites)

Luigi player

Smash Master
Jul 29, 2004
Hi everyone! I'm Luigi player, and I'm working on Brawl sprites.

Here's an example:

And here is the sprite topic: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=4171051

I mostly look at the pictures from the Dojo and draw them smaller (in paint), but the dojo hasn't that many pics at the right angle and such...

This is where I need your help. Since I don't have Brawl (live in europe) I can't look at the ingame pictures myself and press pause and draw sprites from it.

Short list of what I need:
*Video of characters that are at the Nintendo DS stage and are doing every move they can
*It should be either in training mode and zoomed in, or a slow and giant Brawl
*The character should face RIGHT (with every move)
*Go as near to your enemy as possible (BUT DO NOT THOUCH HIM WITH ANY OF YOUR MOVES OR ELSE I CAN'T SEE SOME PARTS OF THE CHARACTER) to make the characters as big as possible

All moves:

Standing (characters are doing other things too if they stand a little while)
Dash attack
Normal attack
All air attacks (normal, up, forward, back, down)
All B moves (up, down, normal, forward)
Dodging (normal and in the air)
Grabs (normal grabbing, grab attack)
Throws (back, up, down, forward)
Final smash

(You don't have to make every move listed here. I'm happy if it's only standing/walking/whatever!)

List end.

What I need are videos, that are in training mode and zoomed in (else the quality is pretty bad and I can't really look at the characters) and I think it's better if the speed is slowed down, because the transitions from frame to next frame will merge if it's too fast.

If you make a video it'd be cool if you do everything the character can do so I can make sprites of every frame there is. (standing animation, jumping, normal attacks, tilts, smashes, dash attack, dodging, etc.) And I would really prefer that the characters face right so I see them a little from the front (and not the back).
Also, please choose a stage where the characters have their normal colors and not e.g. like on Bridge of Eldin with it's sunset.

(Of course, those Brawl screenshots that you can take from your SD card to the computer and make them to .jpg would work too, but it would only be one frame from an animation, and this doesn't help if someone wants to make a game with those sprites (like me lol), or for videos (I'm sure there will be more brawl sprite videos, and some of the sprites are just some changed DK King of Swing sprites (for Diddy/DK), or Mario World (Mario/Luigi), etc. ones. Not to say those are bad or anything...))

I would prefer to make Diddy Kong at first, but I'd also do Mario, Luigi, Kirby, G&W and some other easy ones (just ask if you want a certain one).

I won't work on Marth, Ganondorf, Link, Toon Link, Ike, ZSS, Samus, Zelda, Peach, Lucario and DK right now, because I don't even made some base sprites of them. (At least they're not finished)

Also, please don't expect them to be done fast. One sprite could take from 8-25 mins (I never looked at the time when I drew those sprites lol).

Thanks for your help! :)

Luigi player

Smash Master
Jul 29, 2004
Wow! That's really NICE! Thank you! :D The little icon on his foot is annoying though, maybe it should'nt that much zoomed so the icon is not in the way, and you don't have to make it that slow I think, but it's really exactly what I need, and the audio is no problem, I don't need it ^^

Edit: Now I saw the full video. It's good but... isn't there an option to make it not that much zoomed (like there was in Melee)? That would be better, because I don't really see his running and jumping animation full (and some attacks go out of the screen).

But everything else I can make sprites of, so it's good, just those things wouldn't work because if he runs his head isn't on the screen, and that you made it tiny was a nice idea, but it's too small to see it detailed enough... but the stage choice was pretty good, there's no background at all so I can clearly see Diddy, thanks! Also, I'm not sure because I don't have much time right now I wasn't watching the video the whole time I guess, so maybe it's there, but did you include walking? I'm not sure...
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