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Veteran Changes: Big & Small

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Smash Master
Jun 12, 2013
Appleton, WI
After the pic of Luigi using his flutter kick, it made me wonder what other tiny little tokens enter characters to represent them better. Also, moveset changes are highly requested among the community to characters like Luigi, Wario, Lucas and Ganondorf. So, this is THE thread for brainstorming things for veterans or announced newcomers. Polls will be opened up after a small consensus to see what the community believes about a certain change to a veteran. For instance, would you like to see R.O.B. use Stack-Up blocks in one of his attacks? Do you want Jigglypuff to utilize fairy moves? Should DK get his Roll Attack? Should Ness face the camera and do the peace sign as a taunt/victory pose? Can Kirby just stay in puff form during his jumps as a gliding-esque move, just allowing him to move up/down/to the sides if possible? Or what about the small changes? Maybe see Yoshi carry around his eggs with him? The Triforce glowing occasionally on the hands of Link, Zelda and Ganondorf? Mario's footstool jumps do 1% damage? Tell us what you want to see change.


Smash Ace
Aug 21, 2012
Give luigi poltergust as his grab NOT his b down (if it was his b down, he would be more similar to mario)

Change all of gannondorf's special moves and smash's ( besides his side special)

falco needs a makeover almot as much as gannondorf

Peach's final smash should be the emotions

mega lucario, charizard, and both mewtwo's should be utilized somehow

toon link could have an entirly different moveset

Deleted member

Luigi: He should have several animation changes (like his running and jumping animations) and have his grab be the Poltergust. He should also run faster.
Peach: Give her a new Final Smash.
Donkey Kong: Give him a roll attack.
Wario: He should be more reminiscent of his Wario Land games and have some animation changes (like his running animation).
Link: I think that he should be a bit more agile than he was in Brawl. I would balance out between Brawl Link and Toon Link to find a good even for Link in SSB4.
Ganondorf: Give this poor man his sword! I would also change his neutral, up, and down special moves as well.
Meta Knight: His running animation should be the one from Kirby Super Star Ultra.
Falco and Wolf: Their Final Smashes shouldn't be Landmasters. Falco should use an Arwing while Wolf summons the Star Wolf team much like the Corneria stage in Melee's Adventure Mode.
Pikachu: His up-smash should have an aesthetic change where he uses Iron Tail.
Pokemon Trainer: Remove the stamina feature.
Lucario: His moveset should reflect more of the Fighting type Pokemon.
Ness: One of his victory poses is him taking a picture; I would say that it should be a taunt, but the flash could distract people.
Lucas: His side special move should be PK Ground.
Ness and Lucas: They should have new Final Smashes or one should get a new Final Smash while the other keeps PK Starstorm. Ness should use PK Rockin while Lucas should use PK Love.
Sonic: His moveset needs some changing as he doesn't have too many significant KO moves.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
I've got a few ideas for certain characters

Donkey Kong should be able to do a roll.
Mario's FLUDD attack should do damage, but not make the opponent flinch, kinda like Fox's Blaster. Super Jump Punch could use more height to it(Given the comparison between the Super Jump Punch and the Mega Upper.).
Luigi should use the Poltergust in either his throws or Final Smash.

Falco needs a new Final Smash, Pit could use one too honestly.
Ganondorf's Punches should be replaced with sword slashes, but he can keep most of his kicks. Ganondorf should also be decently faster, but a bit lighter. Zelda's transformation into Sheik should be faster.

Lucas could use a new Final Smash, like him using his PK Love move.
Samus could run a bit faster.
Sonic could really use either a new Side-B or a Down-B.

Peach could have a Final Smash that references something that she used in a Mario game.
KingDDD's Final Smash could be buffed too.
Ice Climber's Down-B could benefit from a bit more range.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2012
A Pineapple Under The Sea
I agree to all of these, also.

I want Roy to come back so he can be more different than Marth.

Also Jiggz obviously needs some Fairy type moves.

And Luigi needs Poltergust.

Falco can have Arwing.

Pikachu needs Iron Tail.


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2013
When you're not looking, I'm there.
We don't know if Jiggly is Fairy Type. All those dragons will bow to him and his weird immunity to them.

Lucario: Mega Lucario. I don't need to say more

Bowser: Make his final smash something different, like send a koopa army to kill stuff.

Sonic: Make him more sonic-y and less all other Sonic characters-y.

Wolf: Give him some new weapons, like some bombs and mines and gernades.
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