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Official v3.1.0 Patch Notes

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Let me know when I'm supposed to laugh, okay?
Aug 12, 2011
Snooping as usual
Welcome to the official Patch Notes thread for v3.1.0 of Ultimate.
This thread is only for cataloguing confirmed changes. For reporting and discussing changes use the patch discussion thread:


If you wish to view the previous patch notes, they can be found here:

If there's anything that we might have missed and have evidence of, you can either post it in the Patch Discussion Thread and tag shrooby shrooby , or PM me with direct reports and evidence of unconfirmed changes (that are not in this post or discussed).

Global changes:
  • After wall jumping, you'll now need to wait longer before wall jumping in the same direction again.
  • amiibo can now be used in online Arenas
  • Smash Bros. in Virtual Reality (Only in single player)
  • The spawn positions for the following stages have been adjusted: 75m, Arena Ferox, Coliseum, Dream Land GB, Flat Zone X, Gamer, Green Greens, Halberd, Kalos Pokemon League, Mario Bros., Mushroomy Kingdom, PAC-LAND, Pictochat 2, Port Town Aero Dive, Prism Tower, Skyloft, Summit, Tortimer Island, Umbra Clock Tower, Wily Castle.
  • The respawn positions for the following stages have been adjusted: Coliseum, Dream Land GB, Gamer, Green Greens, Halberd, Kalos Pokemon League, Kongo Falls, Mario Bros., Mushroomy Kingdom, Port Town Aero Dive, Prism Tower, Skyloft, Smashville, Summit, Umbra Clock Tower.

The following characters are unchanged: Bowser, Corrin, Dr. Mario, Falco, Greninja, Ike, King Dedede, Kirby, Link, Lucas, Mario, Marth, Mega Man, Meta Knight, Mewtwo, Mii Swordfighter, Palutena, Ridley, Robin, Sheik, Simon, Richter, Sonic, Wario, Zelda

All character numerical values are presented in the base format, without the 1-v-1 multiplier. For convenience, the value with the 1-v-1 multiplier applied is displayed next to it in parentheses (*).

  • :ultbayonetta:Bayonetta
    • Jab 1: Increased active frames: 9-11F -> 9-12F
    • Rapid Jab
      • Increased knockback growth of finishing hit: 100 -> 117
      • Decreased base knockback of finishing hit: 70 -> 67
    • Dash Attack
      • Increased knockback growth of sweetspot: 65 -> 71
      • Decreased base knockback of sweetspot: 80 -> 78
    • Uptilt: Made hits link more reliably
    • Down Smash: Increased active frames of Weaves: 25-27F -> 25-28F
    • Up Special: Reduced landing lag after using the move in the air
    • Side Special
      • Reduced landing lag after using the move in the air: 20F -> 18F
      • Reduced landing lag after using the move in the air twice: 30F -> 26F
    • Down Special
      • Increased active frames of counter detection: 8-17F -> 8-23F
      • Adjusted active frames of Bat Within's window: 18-29F -> 24-35F
      • Increased the recovery speed of Witch Time's duration.
  • :ultbowserjr:Bowser Jr
    • Dash Attack: Adjudged knockback angle of finishing hit: 60° -> 50°
    • Up Tilt: Reduced total frames: 32F -> 30F
    • Up Smash: Increased base knockback of finishing hit: 32 -> 38
    • Neutral Special: Increased attack speed in the air to match grounded variant
      • Reduced startup of shot: 43-103F -> 37-97F
      • Reduced total frames: 78-138F -> 72-132F
    • Side Special
      • Minimum and maximum speed of grounded variant increased. Damage is based on current speed, so this change also affects the damage the move can deal.
      • Increased Damage of Grounded Variant: 4.0-7.3% -> 5.2-8.8% (4.8-8.8% -> 6.2-10.6%)
    • Up Special
      • Hammer attack
        • Increased hitbox size
        • Increased active frames of backwards hit: 8F -> 8-9F
        • Increased active frames of forward hit: 13F -> 13-14F
      • Clown Car explosion
        • Adjusted knockback angle
        • Made hits link more reliably
  • :ultfalcon:Captain Falcon
    • Forward Tilt: Increased base knockback: 50 -> 60
    • Up Tilt
      • Reduced startup up: 17F -> 14F
      • Reduced total frames: 39F -> 36F
    • Forward Air: Increased sweetspot hitbox size
    • Back Air
      • Increased knockback growth of sweetspot: 94 -> 97
      • Increased base knockback of sweetspot: 25 -> 27
    • Side Special
      • Reduced startup of punch after an opponent enters the hit-detection zone: 6F -> 5F
      • Increased super armor threshold: 8.0% -> 10.0% (9.6% -> 12.0%)
      • Increased hitstun
    • Down Special
      • Grounded Variant
        • Early hitbox active frames increased: 15-17F -> 15-18F
        • Late hitbox active frames decreased: 18-25F -> 19-25F
      • Aerial Variant
        • Early hitbox active frames increased: 16-18F -> 16-19F
        • Late hitbox active frames decreased: 19-26F -> 20-26F
  • :ultcloud:Cloud
    • Down Smash: Made hits link more reliably
  • :ultdiddy:Diddy Kong
    • Jab 2
      • Made hits link more reliably from jab 1
      • Increased hitbox size
    • Dash Attack: Adjusted knockback angle of finishing hit: 78° -> 83°
    • Up Smash
      • Made hits link more reliably
      • Finishing hit
        • Increased knockback growth: 129 -> 131
        • Increased base knockback: 50 -> 55
    • Up Air
      • Reduced total frames: 36F -> 35F
      • Reduced landing lag: 13F -> 9F
    • Down Air
      • Decreased startup: 17F -> 15F
      • Decreased total frames: 48F -> 46F
    • Neutral Special
      • Adjusted damage range of peanut while maintaining shield damage: 3.3-15.0% -> 4.3-13.8% (4.0-18.0% -> 5.2-16.6%)
      • Shortened max charge time: 121F -> 94F
      • Decreased startup of misfire explosion: 123F -> 97F
    • Up Special
      • Decreased fall speed while charging
      • Extended vertical distance when charged
    • Final Smash and FS Meter
      • Increased damage of the explosion and jet at the start
      • Decreased damage of the tackle
      • Made it harer for opponents with lower percent to be launched by the final hit
  • :ultdk:Donkey Kong
    • Neutral Special (Fully Charged): Fixed an issue where Donkey Kong would not gain super armor if he landed with the move from frames 12-17. (Super armor frame windows are unchanged for both grounded and aerial variants.)
  • :ultduckhunt:Duck Hunt
    • Up Air: Made hits link more reliably
  • :ultfox:Fox
    • Jab 2 (Far Hitbox): Increased hitstun to make hit link more reliably into jab 3
  • :ultganondorf:Ganondorf
    • Down Smash: Made hits link more reliably
  • :ulticeclimbers:Ice Climbers
    • Now recovers midair jumps the same as other fighters
    • Nana can no longer jump right after a grab
  • :ultincineroar:Incineroar
    • Jab 1: Adjusted hitstun of elbow hitbox to link more reliably into Jab 2
    • Jab 2: Made hit link more reliably into jab 3
  • :ultinkling:Inkling
    • Jab 3
      • Increased hitbox size
      • Made it link more reliably from jab 2
  • :ultisabelle:Isabelle
    • Side Special
      • Opponents will not get caught when the hook is not moving quickly
      • After the hook touches the ground and the hook is yanked back, opponents can be caught. Active Frames: 9-11F -> 2-11F
      • These changes effectively undo the changes from 3.0.0.
  • :ultjigglypuff:Jigglypuff
    • Jab 1: Made hit link more reliably into jab 2
    • Jab 2: Increased hitbox size
  • :ultjoker:Joker
    • Side Special (Arsene): Hits of Eigaon link more reliably
  • :ultkrool:King K. Rool
    • Up air: Ledge lockout timer reduced: 102F -> 96F
  • :ultlittlemac:Little Mac
    • Jab 1:
      • Reduced total frames: 21F -> 16F
      • Increased hitstun to make hit link more reliably into jab 2
    • Jab 2
      • Reduced total frames: 21F -> 16F
      • Increased hitbox size
    • Jab 3: Increased hitbox size
    • Forward Tilt: Made hit link more reliably against airbourn opponents
    • Down Tilt: Increased hitbox size
    • Up Smash: Increased duration of super armor: 8-11F -> 8-13F
    • Neutral Special
      • Reduced total frames of grounded, not fully charged variant: 49F -> 44F
      • KO Uppercut: Reduced total frames: 96F -> 76F
    • Side Special: Increased hitbox size of initial hit
    • Down Special: Reduced total frames: 62F -> 56F
  • :ultlucario:Lucario
    • Jab 1: Reduced total frames: 31F -> 26F
    • Jab 2: Reduced total frames: 34F -> 26F
    • Jab 3: Reduced total frames: 38F -> 35F
    • Dash Attack: Increased hitbox size
    • Forward Tilt (Second Hit)
      • Increased knockback growth: 95 -> 98
      • Increased base knockback: 50 -> 54
    • Forward Smash: Increased hitbox size of sweetspot
    • Up Smash: Made hits link more reliably
    • Neutral Air: Increased frames during which it will hit grounded opponents
    • Up Air: Increased hitbox size of sweetspot
    • Down Air: Made hits link more reliably
    • Neutral Special
      • Reduced the range it will push opponents while charging
      • Increased travel distance of fully charged Aura Sphere
      • Reduced total frames when firing from the charging state: 48F -> 43F
      • Reduced total frames when a fully charged Aura Sphere is shot from outside the charging state: 56F -> 51F
    • Side Special
      • Opponents can no longer run through Lucario during startup
      • Increased grab range
  • :ultluigi:Luigi
    • Grab
      • Adjusted attack range when used just before landing
      • Now easier to hit opponents in front of you
    • Jab 2: Made hit link more reliably into Jab 3
    • Down Special: Invincibility frames reduced on both grounded variant, and when rising into the air
  • :ultlucina:Lucina
    • Forward Smash: Reduced knockback growth: 77 -> 73
    • Forward Air: Reduced knockback growth: 81 -> 77
  • :ultbrawler:Mii Brawler
    • Fall speed decreased: 1.92 -> 1.7
    • Fastfall speed decreased: 3.072 -> 2.72
    • Jab 2: Made hit link more reliably into rapid jab
    • Rapid Jab: Increased hitbox(es) size
    • Forward Air: As a result of the fall speed change, the move now auto-cancels from a short-hop
    • Neutral Special 2: Hits link more reliably
  • :ultgunner:Mii Gunner
    • Up Smash: Made hits link more reliably
  • :ultgnw:Mr. Game & Watch
    • Up Tilt: Made hits link more reliably
  • :ultness:Ness
    • Jab 2
      • Increased hitbox size
      • Moved hitbox forward
      • Made hit link more reliably into jab 3
  • :ultolimar:Olimar
    • Increased hurtbox size around the circumference of Olimar's helmet, making him easier to hit
      • As a result of his shield-size not being increased alongside his hurtbox, he is now easier to shield-poke
    • Forward Smash
      • Increased total frames: 39F -> 42F
      • Reduced active frames of early hitbox: 11-14F -> 11-12F
      • Adjusted active frames of late hitboxes
        • Non-Purple
          • Late hitbox 1: 15-20F -> 13-19F
          • Late hitbox 2: 19-29F -> 18-29F
        • Purple
          • Range reduced
          • Late hitbox 1: 15-19F -> 13-18F
          • Late hitbox 2: 18-24F -> 19-24F (19-21F on flat ground)
    • Up Smash: Increased total frames 36F -> 39F
    • Up Special: Adjusted the flight time when the move is used repeatedly to similarly to Villager's Up Special
  • :ultpacman:Pac-Man
    • Up Smash: Made hits link more reliably
  • :ultpeach:Peach
    • Jab 1: Made hit link more reliably into jab 2
    • Forward Smash: Increased knockback of golf club
    • Forward air: Reduced knockback growth: 76/78 -> 71/74
    • Side Special: Increased endlag when hit connects: 18F -> 24F
    • Up Special: Made hits link more reliably
    • Down Special: Increased total frames: 36F -> 39F
    • Back throw
      • Throw: Knockback growth reduced: 95 -> 88
      • (Collateral Damage Hitbox) Reduced knockback growth: 200 -> 100
  • :ultdaisy:Hi I'm Daisy
    • Jab 1: Made hit link more reliably into jab 2
    • Forward Smash: Increased knockback of golf club
    • Forward air: Reduced knockback growth: 76/78 -> 71/74
    • Side Special: Increased endlag when hit connects: 18F -> 24F
    • Up Special: Made hits link more reliably
    • Down Special: Increased total frames: 36F -> 39F
    • Back throw
      • Throw: Knockback growth reduced: 95 -> 88
      • (Collateral Damage Hitbox) Reduced knockback growth: 200 -> 100
  • :ultpichu:Pichu
    • Increased the hurtbox of in Pichu's ears and around his body making him easier to hit
    • Increased shield size
    • Forward tilt
      • Increased recoil damage: 0.7% -> 1.0% (0.8% -> 1.2%)
      • Reduced knockback growth: 150 -> 130
    • Forward Smash
      • Increased recoil damage: 1.5% -> 2.0% (1.8% -> 2.4%)
      • Increased total frames: 49F -> 53F
    • Down Smash: Increased recoil damage: 0.8% -> 1.3% (1.0% -> 1.5%)
    • Forward Air: Increased recoil damage 1% -> 1.5% (1.2% -> 1.8%)
    • Back Air: Increased recoil damage: 1% -> 1.5% (1.2% -> 1.8%)
    • Down Air: Increased recoil damage: 1% -> 1.5% (1.2% -> 1.8%)
    • Neutral Special Increased recoil damage: 0.4% -> 0.7% (0.5% -> 0.8%)
    • Side Special: Increased recoil damage: 1.5% -> 1.8% (1.8% -> 2.1%)
    • Up Special: Increased recoil damage: 0.6% -> 0.9% (0.7% -> 1.0%)
    • Down Special: Increased recoil damage: 3% -> 3.5% (3.6% -> 4.2%)
    • Forward Throw: Increased recoil damage: 0.5% -> 0.9% (0.6% -> 0.9%)
  • :ultpikachu:Pikachu
    • Grab: Increased grab range
  • :ultpiranha:Piranha Plant
    • Jab 3: Increased hitbox size
    • Rapid Jab: Increased amount of time opponents are stuck in multihit
  • :ultpit:Pit
    • Up Smash: Made hits link more reliably
  • :ultdarkpit:Dark Pit
    • Up Smash: Made hits link more reliably
    • Side Special: Reduced endlag after hitting an opponent in the air: 55F -> 49F
  • :ultpokemontrainerf:Pokemon Trainer
    • :ultivysaur:Ivysaur
      • Neutral Special: Made hits link more reliably
    • :ultcharizard:Charizard
      • Jab 1: Increased hitstun to make hit link more reliably into jab 2
      • Jab 2
        • Increased distance Charizard moves forward
        • Made hit link more reliably into jab 3
  • :ultrob:R.O.B.
    • Jab 1: Increased hitstun to make hit link more reliably into jab 2
    • Jab 2: Increased hitbox size
  • :ultrosalina:Rosalina and Luma
    • Reduced Luma's HP: 50% -> 40% (60% -> 48%)
    • Standing Grab: Decreased startup: 7F -> 6F
    • Dash Grab: Decreased startup: 10F -> 9F
    • Pivot Grab: Decreased startup: 11F -> 10F
    • Shortened the time it takes for Luma to reappear:
      • Two players: 11 sec -> 10 sec
      • Three players: 9 sec -> 7 sec
      • Four players: 7 sec -> 5 sec
    • Dash Attack (Luma): Reduced total frames to match Rosalina's: 48F -> 40F
    • Forward Smash (Luma)
      • Increased knockback growth: 174 -> 219
      • Decreased base knockback: 43 -> 23
    • Forward Air
      • Made hits link more reliably
      • Reduced total frames: 59F -> 54F
      • Reduced ledge lock-out timer: 84F -> 79F
    • Up Special: Increased fast-fall speed after using the move
    • Down Special (Luma): Reduced total frames to match Rosalina's: 42F -> 39F
  • :ultroy:Roy
    • Up Smash: Made hits link more reliably
  • :ultchrom:Chrom
    • Up Smash: Made hits link more reliably
  • :ultryu:Ryu from Streets
    • Jab 1: Increased the amount of time you can cancel with a special move
    • Jab 2: Increased the amount of time you can cancel with a special move
    • Jab (Heavy)
      • Decreased knockback growth: 70 -> 15
      • Decreased base knockback: 70 -> 25
      • Adjusted knockback angle: 85° -> 80°
    • Forward Tilt (Light)
      • Close Range: Increased the amount of time you can cancel with a special move
      • Long Range: Increased hitbox size of tip
    • Up Tilt (Light): Adjusted knockback angle when hitting airborne opponents: 66° -> 75°
    • Down Tilt (Light): Increased hitstun
    • Down Tilt (Heavy)
      • Decreased knockback growth: 23 -> 16
      • Increased base knockback: 70 -> 73
    • Up Air
      • Increased active frames
        • 6F -> 6-7F
        • 10F - 9-11F
      • Increased hitbox size
    • Neutral Special
      • Decreased the speed for light Hadoken and light Shakunetsu Hadoken
      • Increased the speed for heavy Hadoken and heavy Shakunetsu Hadoken
      • Decreased startup of Hadoken and Shakunetsu Hadoken
      • Increased damage (Light/Medium/Heavy)
        • Hadoken: 6.0/6.5/7.0% -> 7.0/7.5/8.0% (7.2/7.8/8.4% -> 8.4/9.0/9.6%)
        • True Hadoken: 7.5/8.1/8.7% -> 8.7/9.3/10.0% (9.0/9.7/10.4% -> 10.4/11.2/12.0%)
        • Shakunetsu Hadoken: 5.0% -> 7.3% (6.0% -> 8.8%)
    • Side Special: Increased hitbox size of first hit when used on the ground
  • :ultken:Ken
    • Jab 1: Increased the amount of time you can cancel with a special move
    • Jab 2: Increased the amount of time you can cancel with a special move
    • Jab (Heavy. Close Range)
      • Hit 1
        • Decreased knockback growth: 70 -> 15
        • Decreased base knockback: 70 -> 25
        • Adjusted knockback angle: 85° -> 80°
      • Hit 2
        • Increased damage while maintaining knockback: 6% -> 10% (7.2% -> 12%)
        • Decreased knockback growth: 130 -> 92
    • Forward Tilt (Light)
      • Close Range: Increased the amount of time you can cancel with a special move
      • Long Range: Increased hitbox size of tip
    • Forward Tilt (Heavy): Adjusted knockback angle: 38° -> 34°
    • Up Tilt (Light): Adjusted knockback angle when hitting airborne opponents: 66° -> 75°
    • Down Tilt (Light): Increased hitstun
    • Down Tilt (Heavy)
      • Decreased knockback growth: 23 -> 16
      • Increased base knockback: 70 -> 73
    • Forward Smash
      • Foot
        • Increased knockback growth: 100 -> 102
        • Increased base knockback: 26 -> 28
      • Leg
        • Increased knockback growth: 100 -> 103
        • Increased base knockback: 70 -> 73
    • Down Air: Increased the amount of time you can cancel with a special move or Final Smash
    • Side Special:
      • Increased hitbox size of first hit when used on the ground
      • Reduced SDI multiplier: 1 -> 0.5
    • Up Special
      • Made hits link more reliably
      • Made the first hit not negate other attacks
      • Light, Aerial Variant
        • Increased knockback growth: 49 -> 55
      • Medium, Aerial Variant
        • Decreased knockback growth of second hit: 121 -> 112
      • Heavy, Ground Variant
        • Reduced SDI multiplier: 1 -> 0.5
        • Knockback angle adjusted on second hit: 110° -> 95°
        • Decreased knockback growth of second hit: 100 -> 10
        • Second hit fixed knockback value of 100 changed to base knockback of 95
      • Heavy, Ground Variant (Non-Command-Input): Increased knockback growth on third hit: 121 -> 126
      • Heavy, Ground Variant (Command-Input): Increased knockback growth on third hit: 121 -> 126
      • Heavy, Aerial Variant
        • Reduced SDI multiplier: 1 -> 0.5
        • Adjusted knockback angle of third hit: 110° -> 80°
        • Increased knockback growth of third hit: 100 -> 107
    • Nata Otoshi Geri (Command-Input): Reduced SDI multiplier
    • Oosoto Mawashi Geri (Command-Input)
      • Increased damage of first hit: 10.0% -> 12.0% (12.0% -> 14.4%)
      • Increased damage of second hit: 10.0% -> 12.0% (12.0% -> 14.4%)
      • Total damage increased: 20% -> 24% (24% -> 28.8%)
    • Inazuma Kick (Command-Input): Increased damage while maintaining shield damage: 6.0% -> 10.0% (7.2% -> 12.0%)
  • :ultsamus:Samus
    • Up Smash: Made hits link more reliably
  • :ultdarksamus:Dark Samus
    • Up Smash: Made hits link more reliably
  • :ultshulk:Shulk
    • Jab 2: Increased hitbox size
    • Up Smash
      • Made hits link more reliably
      • Decreased fixed knockback of first hit: 105 -> 92
      • Adjusted knockback angle of first hit: 108° -> 112°
  • :ultsnake:Snake
    • Jab 1: Increased hitstun to make hit link more reliably into jab 2
    • Jab 2
      • Increased distance Snake moves forward
      • Made hit link more reliably into jab 3
  • :ulttoonlink:Toon Link
    • Jab 1: Made hit link more reliably into jab 2
  • :ultvillager:Villager
    • Up Smash: Made hits link more reliably
  • :ultwiifittrainer:Wii Fit Trainer
    • Jab 1: Made hit link more reliably into jab 2
  • :ultwolf:Wolf
    • Jab 1: Made hit link more reliably into jab 2
    • Jab 2
      • Increased hitbox size
      • Made hit link more reliably into jab 3
    • Jab 3
      • Moved hitbox forward
      • Made hit link more reliably from jab 2
    • Down Smash (Front Hit)
      • Reduced base knockback: 56 -> 37
      • Increased knockback growth: 82 -> 93
    • Neutral Special: Increased total frames: 49F -> 52F
    • Up Special
      • Reduced hitbox size of final hit
      • Made hits link more reliably
    • Down Special
      • Reduced startup of hitbox: 7F -> 6F
      • Invincibility frames start sooner: 6-9F -> 5-8F
      • Reduced the frames it takes for move to start reflecting projectiles: 10F -> 9F
  • :ultzss:Zero Suit Samus
    • Side Special: Made hits link more reliably
    • Down Special: Increased travel distance when inputting left or right
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