Hey guys I originally homebrewed my wii and had a bunch of games on it. I successfully homebrewed my wii u using "return of the jodi" for some reason the usb loader doesn't recognize the games on my HD. I'm curious if anyone has a fix for this (i was trying to avoid reformatting the HD and reinstalling the games on it.
Getting a backup loader to run on Wii proper is an exercise in frustration. You basically need to have in in-depth understanding of Wii firmware and hardware to do it, since most guides are very unhelpful. It may not even be possible on a Wii U. Wiibrew.org is a good place to learn about that. As for getting the backup loader to run... I can't help you there. Or rather, I have no qualms about doing so, but I don't want to be banned and/or arrested. A strange quirk of US law is that, even though a user is legally permitted to back up their own software, they are not allowed to circumvent copy protection methods, even for legal reasons. This strange incongruence is not a mistake, by any means.
Look around on the Internet. You should eventually stumble across a few things. You should probably go through Tor, though. You can never be too careful.