Yo, this is DancingFighterG. What up Fluffy. If you are looking for Colorado smash players go here:
We have a very large and experience Smash scene and gaming scene in general. Just to let you know I'm CEO and director of operations of Colorado Cutthroat Connection. We host most if not all the gaming events in Colorado. If you are looking for smash players this is the place for you. Here is the chapter website:
We have our local ranbat coming up in two weeks
These events allow you too gain ranking points in the chapter which gives you the chance to be seeded well at tournaments, be sponsored to travel out of state, and all this leads up to the state championship Colorado Cutthroat Console Tournament
and the national championship for the NVGA, NVGA SuperCon
Check us out and go to the smash section for Colorado and you will meet everyone!! If interested spread the word at UCD for our tournaments. The flyer for the event is on the website!!
Again, Welcome to Colorado Cutthroat!!