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Unique sides of Wolf.


Smash Ace
Nov 27, 2007
Just some findings of Wolf's attacks.

Reflector: As you know Wlf's reflector is much different then Falco's or Fox's reflector.
The Reflector starts with Wolf 'Crouching' and the reflector spiraling to a horizontal layout.
The inital activation of Wolf's reflector is a backdodge, causing the player to not take knockback, damage, ect. the second part to the reflector is the 'pushback' where it has more range then Fox's.
The Reflector can be used to spike, reflect(Dur....), and to avoid an attack while causing knockback.
It is like a instant-counter.

Gun: Wolf's gun is awsome, It has much less range then Falco's or Fox's and is much slower, BUT! Wolf's laser can be used as a melee attack because of the Blade infront of the gun. The 'gat-smack' allows 9% more damage with the rather then the regular 5% ranged hit.
Another good thing is that, when you reach the ground while activating the gun, it will still shot rather then canceling the animation and making you stuck.

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