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Unforgotten Realms Season Two Review


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
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I love the game of Dungeons and Dragons. And for those of you who assume it to be this nerdy game in which you move around a board trying to get to a dragon and such, I am going to smack you in the head now to clarify a few things. In Dungeons and Dragons, you have a guy called the Dungeon Master, think of him as the author, and you have the players, think of them as the characters. That's right, you're basically playing a book. Take that, ignorant haters. Anyway, Dungeons and Dragons can literally be about anything, and boy is that flexibility abused in the web series Unforgotten Realms.

The story of Unforgotten Realms follows the adventures of Sir Schmoopy and Nilo, who are really just two guys playing Dungeons and Dragons. The story's original plot was about Nilo and Schmoopy going on a quest to try and save Schoopy's dying grandma. And they acomplished this at the end of the first season, and so season 2 takes off on the small sub-plot introduced in season 1 with Maelstrom and the magic crystals. Season 2 is about Schmoopy and Nilo having to fight off various bad guys in a struggle over various magical crystals. However, the story went from a simple and understandable plot in season 1 to a completely jumbled mess of sub-plots that makes Smallvile's story look good in season 2. The story just makes no sense anymore and is near impossible to keep up with motley due to the fact that it's like the god-awful third Pirates move, as in it has a whole bunch of sub-plots and very little main plot. And each time one sub-plot is resolved, six more are left opening, and by the end of the second season there are at least four unresolved sub plots. And there's still a lot of loose ends and things that I'm confused on. Like what the hell happened to Peaty and Jocque anyway? They were fairly important characters for a while then about half-way through season 2 they just drop off the face of the Earth! And I still don't get what's up with most of the villains, or the crystals for that matter. Yeah, I know it's a comedy and that the story isn't the most important part, but I like my comedies with stories that you can follow.

The humor just isn't the same any more, I don't know what it is but it's starting to lose it's touch. Now lets get one thing straight here, I thought that season one was hilarious and highly enjoyable. But in season 1 the humor just isn't a funny as it used to be. On examination, season 2's plot likes to take the spot light, and although it's silly and nonsensical, the story just gets in the way of the humor.

I really want to say that season two was better than season one, but I just can't. The story just takes up too much of the spot light this time around, and it isn't even a very good story for as far as comedies go. Rather than be an enjoyable and amusing story, it's a completely confusing one that makes about as much sense as Lost. But even with all of this, I'm not angry just disappointed. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed season two and can't wait for season three, but I'm just left with this feeling that season two could have been much more than it was.
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