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Underused tactics?


Smash Cadet
Mar 14, 2008
I've found some useful tactics recently in my matches that I haven't really seen other ZSS mains use, so I thought I'd make a post about it.

1) Tap Forward + Down C-stick: On your gamecube controller, if you tap forward on your directional stick and then Down C-stick you go into your typical running kick animation. But I noticed most people only do it once and stop... Probably because most people use Run + A button for this? That's how I used to do it myself, but this actually limits the number of run-kicks you can do in succession because she stops dead after the run. I found that if you instead use the tap forward + down C-stick combination in succession, ZSS can pull off secondary running kicks in immediate succession. If you time it right, you can continuously run-kick opponents all the way across the stage, and then lead into other combos at the edge. You can even run back and forth in place doing these run-kicks, it's very nice.

2) Run off stage: Basically, when an opponent chases you to the ledge, you jump away from the stage and use tether recovery directly into a ledge attack. At low damage ratios ZSS can recover very quickly and lead directly into her ledge attack, which can surprise opponents. If opponents try to grab the ledge when you run off to prevent the tether, you should still have enough room to jump back onto the stage (using down+b if necessary). At that point the positions of the match are reversed, which can be to ZSS's advantage. Some might argue that being off the stage ends can lead to some disadvantage positions, but in my experience I think ZSS is probably the most comfortable character for fighting off the stage.

3) Ledge guarding with Up C-stick: I saw this used on a random YouTube video and picked up on the strategy, and have been using it since. If opponents grabbing the ledge try to jump up from the ledge, I find it useful to be standing at a decent distance away from the ledge and then just run in and use the Up C-stick. Since ZSS is fast she can get into position beneath her opponents pretty easily, and the punishment is practically guaranteed, since the jump from the ledge can't be initially airdodged. And of course, an Up C-stick can be led directly into combo's, which is ZSS's bread and butter. This limits your opponents recovery to roll-ins and attack-ins, which means you have a little more predictability from your opponent, which is a good thing. And since you're already standing and waiting a decent distance away, you're at a good position to not be attacked from an attack-in and to be waiting where your opponent appears if they roll-in. Not a bad strategy for ledge control methinks.

I think number 1's pretty important and pretty unused, and I hope some people find it useful. There are some other things if I really think about it, but these are the ones that come to mind. If anybody knows of other underused tactics to post here that would be cool, I think there's still a lot left to be learnt for ZSS strategy.


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2007
Fairfax, VA
1. Use it all the time. Doesn't require using the instant dash attack method.

2. Seems useful for mindgaming, but not as an offensive tool. Using it too much will get you punished as well, as your opponents will just follow you off the edge.

3. Personally I air-dodge as a reflex when I jump from a ledge, so that wouldn't work all that well.


Not dead.
Aug 7, 2006
Currently Japan
I know one thing I develop when I use to main Zamus that I've never seen used outside of my own game play.

Tether waiting.

Diddly has too many fresh bananas on the field and seems impossible to approach, did your opponent just die and has return with invincibility frames and with a knew found hatred for you , or do you wish to just piss of your opponent?

Well tether waiting is for you if you answer yes to any of the question above.

Since most characters are unable to get their hands on items because of the tournaments rules and those who can have a noticeable start up animation on getting them out it is possible to safely hang off the ledge with the tether. While doing this you must of course keep a steady eye on your opponent as they might try to gimp you but the thing about the tether hang is that in a single click of a button you will immediately pull yourself up and onto the ledge to gain invincibility frames. I’ve have had people jump down to at me, throw items, and even try to use PK thunder to pull me out of my safe hanging heaven. None of it works. I think I’ve only been knock out like once and that was because I sneezed, lol no johns. You are literately 100% if you do a low hang off the ledge.

Because of this 100% safely it makes it a great spot to kill time when someone has return after being killed and it should be used rather then waiting/running away helpless on stage until your opponent stops blinking.

This works with other character with tethers but I think it works best with Zamus because how low she can hang.


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2007
Fairfax, VA
I’ve have had people jump down to at me, throw items, and even try to use PK thunder to pull me out of my safe hanging heaven. None of it works. I think I’ve only been knock out like once and that was because I sneezed, lol no johns. You are literately 100% if you do a low hang off the ledge.
Not entirely true. I used to tether wait as a stall, and I learned my lesson after a very annoying match.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbKURHvRdUc 1:05

SPOILER: Items intercept you as you retract your tether.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 10, 2008
i do that tether hanging trick alot actually, i like to do it to edge hod and since im not on the ledge they cant attack me, and when they do try to attack me, i just shoot up to the ledge, and they miss and are dead....usually


Not dead.
Aug 7, 2006
Currently Japan
Not entirely true. I used to tether wait as a stall, and I learned my lesson after a very annoying match.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbKURHvRdUc 1:05

SPOILER: Items intercept you as you retract your tether.
I'll admit that was one stealth bomb pull out but he did jump twice before doing the jump to throw the item down at you so it's kind of your own fault for not foreseeing his attempt to gimp you.


Smash Apprentice
May 1, 2008
lake worth, FL
I use those tactics a decent amount though not as much as i used too. They are fairly helpful, and rarely punishable.


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2007
Fairfax, VA
I'll admit that was one stealth bomb pull out but he did jump twice before doing the jump to throw the item down at you so it's kind of your own fault for not foreseeing his attempt to gimp you.
So? My point was that it doesn't make you as invincible as you're making it out to be.


Smash Apprentice
May 26, 2008
I think he's talking about utilizing the invincibility when you grab onto the ledge again after tethering. Samus makes good use of this too (dropping, and tethering onto the ledge again as quick as you can makes you pretty much invincible except for the 3 or so frames of pulling yourself to the ledge (which is why you tether back on fast to make this time shorter))


Not dead.
Aug 7, 2006
Currently Japan
So? My point was that it doesn't make you as invincible as you're making it out to be.
*shrugs* I was trying to make it sound like your invincible but only to simulate attention.

Although you more or less are as long as you don’t mess up of course this could be said about a lot of things but foreseeing someone throwing a item or fall of the side of the stage in pursuit is much easier to predict and avoid.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2008
A stall on Final Destination i like is the drop down from a ledge and use downB into the bottom of the stage, and wall jumping back to the ledge. You can be hogged but easy to recover still, you might even be able to hit a hog with a sideB and tether back. Really its more for fun though. =P


Mar 16, 2007
A stall on Final Destination i like is the drop down from a ledge and use downB into the bottom of the stage, and wall jumping back to the ledge. You can be hogged but easy to recover still, you might even be able to hit a hog with a sideB and tether back. Really its more for fun though. =P
I do this against campers whom I'm a stock up against. Best way to beat a camper is camping.
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