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Tuscaloosa Competitive Smash Brawl Tournament #1 Tuscalooa, AL April 26th 1pm


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
I just thought I'd post this up here, in case anyone was interested. This tournament won't have a big pot, nor will be it be a pinnacle of competition, but I'll post it just in case. Note: many of the people that enter this tournament will be fairly new to the competitive scene, and i'm just copying this from the facebook post where it originate, so some if it will seem really elementary and spell-out for those people.

if you're on facebook, hit up the event page and let me know if you're coming.
Also if you're interested in more Tuscaloosa events (which may include Melee and 64 tourneys), join this group.

Address for Google Maps:
706 Riverside Lane
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401

that's a relatively new street, so if google doesn't have it, try
140 Hackberry Lane
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401

which is Rose Towers, right across the street.

For those that are coming from out of town, this map might help. The address is listed in the event info for Google Maps purposes, but really all you need to do is go I-20 West if your coming from/through GA/B'ham, or I-20 East if you're coming from/through Mississppi. and get off on Exit 73/Mcfarland Blvd--turn right (if you're coming from b'ham---left if you're coming from Mississippi) onto Mcfarland, and go straight for a mile or two, until you reach the Jack Warner Pkwy Exit. (you will pass the University Blvd and Campus Dr. exits)...the Jack Warner exit is a deep curve that splits into two, you want to take the curve on the right-hand side...then you will be at the upper-right hand area of the map I've provided above. Follow the purple line. Turn onto hackberry lane, it is at a stop light.. After that take the first left, you will see Rose Towers to your left (building 204 on the map). Riverside is to your right...and the building the tournament is being held at (the yellow dot with the black X/building 141) is behind the building that you initially see on the right when you turn in. The purple circles are the ideal parking places. On weekends, you won't get ticketed unless you park in a spot that isn't areal parking spot (like in the grass), or in a handicapped spot. Also avoid faculty (green) spots, i'm not sure if they ticket you for parking there, but to be on the safe side, try to avoid them. Use the map to find the building, if you need help, call me (Kevin) at 205-422-0916

This tournament begins at 1 p.m. CENTRAL TIME and is slated to end at 10 P.M. I will be there at noon, so feel free to show up early and get some practice in.

This tournament will be Super Smash Bros. Brawl only. (No Melee or 64). There will be a Doubles (Team) Tournament followed by a Singles Tournament. Each of those will have an entry fee of 10 dollars per PERSON. (per person, NOT per team). So if you want to enter doubles and singles, you will need $20. All of this money will go to prize pools. Noone will pocket any of this money except winners.
Note: IF YOU CAN BRING A FULL SET UP (A TELEVISION, A WII, AND A COPY OF BRAWL) TO BE USED AT THE TOURNAMENT, 10 DOLLARS WILL BE WAIVED FROM YOUR ENTRANCE FEE, which means you can enter one of the tournaments for free. i can not stress enough how important it is that people bring set ups. Even if you can't bring a full set up, bring part of it, A Wii or a TV or a game. Just bring it. Even if you think we don't need it, WE DO. BRING IT. Even if 30 people post saying they are bring 100 TVs a piece, BRING IT ANYWAY.

The doubles tournament will be double elimination, with random seeding of the teams. If there are enough people, the singles tournament will have a Swiss style qualifying round and then the top 16 will battle in a seeded double elimination round. Please note that we will be doing Swiss, not Pools.

Tournament Rules
Note: in terms of stages, i'm not unbanning stages just because someone might like it. We are looking for stages that provide a competitive balance and allow tournament friendly conditions. i.e no stages that give one character a HUGE advantage over the others (e.g Bridge of Eldin), no stages that kill/hurt/disadvantage the players more or as much as their opponents (The Summit, Wario Ware), and no stages on which you have to focus on the terrain so much it is impossible to have a decent fight (Pokemon Stadium 2, Rumble Falls). There isn't much of a set-in-stone standard right now in terms of legal stages, so this is based mostly on my ideas on the matter. If you have questions I will glady discuss my decisions with you.

Each match will be 3 Stock, 7 minute time limit for both singles and doubles. All matches will be best 2 out of 3, with the exception of Grand Finals, which will be 3 out of 5.

All items OFF (including Smash Balls)

Doubles--Team Attack is ON, LIFE stealing is allowed.

BYOC: (BRING. YOUR. OWN. CONTROLLER. I will not provide ANY controllers whatsoever. It's up to you to find one to use. We will not wait all day for you to find one, either.)
You may use any controller you like (wiimote, wii/chuck/gamecube/classic). Please note, however, if you have any controller issues whatsoever, you either find a new controller in 5 minutes or less or forfeit your match. You may map your controls anyway you like.

In the case of a Wii/TV malfunction, the game will be restarted from the beginning, no matter what time it crashed, unless both opponents can agree on a starting point.

All decisions made by tournament officials are final. I will designate the tournament officials at the event.

Glitches used to stop your opponent from controlling their character or indefinitely freezing them, or any glitch or trick that freezes the match or makes it in any way unfinishable are banned. Using them will result in the immediate forfeit of the match.
Intentional stalling of a match using tactics like Pit and Metaknights gliding under stages back and forth is banned, and you will forfeit any match you are caught doing this in. It's okay to play evasively as long as you are intending to beat your opponent by taking his stocks, not by letting time run out. If time runs out naturally, that's also fine.

The only controller mod allowed is the removal of the springs in your L and/or R triggers. Every other control mod is banned, and you will be DQ'd if caught using one. Mods that are purely cosmetic/aesthetic are allowed, such as paintjobs/lights. Turbo buttons are banned. You may use controllers that have this function, but you are not allowed to use the turbo. If you're caught you'll be DQ'd yadda yadda.

The stage for Game 1 will be selected at random unless both players/teams can agree on one.

When you first sit down to play, the first thing you do is select your characters. There is not usually a problem with this, but if you want to call for a double-blind character select, you may do so. Either contact a tournament director, or just get someone to moderate your double-blind pick for you.
Next, each player may, if they choose to, ban one stage from being played the entire set. You can do this to avoid having to play on a stage you hate, or to prevent your opponent from playing on a stage that will benefit them. These banned stages can not be played at anytime during the set.
The first match's stage must be one of the stages designated Neutral (which should be the only stages on Random Select).
Neutral stages: Final Destination, Battlefield, Yoshi's Island, Lylat Cruise, Smashville, Pokemon Stadium 1.

Either you may agree to playing one of these stages, or simply use Random selects (the most common approach). Note, if one of the stages banned by one of the players comes up in random, the stage can not be played. You will have exit the game and randomize a new stage.

After the first match is over, the loser gets to choose the next stage, which is called his counter pick stage. He can choose from any tournament legal stage. He may not choose any of the illegal stages or any of the stages that both players banned for that set. Illegal stages may not be played under any circumstances. The loser may also choose to random select again.

Stages available for Counter Pick:
All of the Neutral Stages, Battleship Halberd, Frigate Orpheon, Norfair, Delfino Plaza, Pictochat, Green Hill Zone, Luigi's Mansion, Brinstar, Corneria, Rainbow Cruise, Castle Siege, Green Greens, Jungle Japes

Illegal Stages for both Singles & Doubles: Mushroomy Kingdom [Overworld/Underworld], 75m, Rumble Falls, Bridge of Eldin, Wario Ware, Distant Planet, New Pork City, Pirate Ship, Skyworld, Temple, Yoshi's Island (Pipes), Onett, Spear Pillar, Mario Bros., Mario Circuit, Flat Zone 2, The Summit, Big Blue, Pokemon Stadium 2, Port Town Aero Drive, Shadow Moses Island, Hanenbow

No stage may be used twice in a Best of 3 or Best of 5 Series unless agreed upon by both players.

Prizes(prizes are subject to change based on how many people there are):
Singles: 1st 60%, 2nd 25%, 3rd 15% of the prize pool.
Doubles: 1st 60%, 2nd 25%, 3rd 15% of the prize pool.
To clarify, this means that if 50 people enter singles (and there is a $10 dollar entry fee) there will be a $500 prize pool (50*$10) which means first place would get $250 (50% of the original $500)

Note: All TV's must be used for tournament matches if there needs to be a tournament match done. If there is an extra TV, you may use it for a money match or a friendly fight. Friendlies are lowest in priority, and if you are playing a friendly you must quit your game immediately if someone needs the TV for a tournament match.

We need as many televisions, Wiis, and copies of Brawl as humanly possible. PLEEEEEASE bring these things. Remember, if you bring a full set-up (TV, Wii, and a Game), you can enter one of the tournaments for free. Even if you can't bring a full set up, please bring at least a TV or at least a Wii. Also please tell me in advance if you can bring a set up!!! But even if you aren't able to tell me, PLEASE STILL BRING IT IF YOU CAN!! Also it would help if you have all characters and stages unlocked, as well as the ability to choose your random stages, but if you don't STILL BRING YOUR WII. We will try to quickly unlock things if possible before the tournament.

If you have any questions whatsoever, email me or call me. The information should be on this page. You can also hit me up on AIM, my aim is theonejanitor


Smash Journeyman
Jul 15, 2007
Birmingham, AL
You know I'll be there. I'll attempt to bring a full setup if possible. Same room as Thief's last tournament?


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
well there are two GA tournaments that weekend Chad, so i'm guessing my tournament will mostly just be local people, as the GA people have more friends than me :-D

Also for anyone who is coming, note that Shadow Moses Island and Hanenbow have been moved from Counterpick to Banned.


Smash Cadet
Jan 15, 2008
I'm still considering coming to this. Though I'm torn between either doubles or singles entrance (only will have enough to enter one, and I have a friend or two that might want to go for the teams one). If I do come I'll be bringing a Wii and Brawl, though not a TV. If I can't make this one, I'll try for the next one for sure. I've really been wanting to play against people who don't live 5 minutes away from me.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
if you can find a TV, you can get free entrance into one of the tournaments for bring a full set up, that way you can enter both tournaments :-D


Smash Cadet
Jan 15, 2008
You know I did have one from when I first lived on campus, but now its gone missing. I'm pretty ticked about it since it was a nice TV.

I still got a day or two, so I'll ask around about it.
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