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Trying to fight nervousness


Smash Apprentice
Jan 19, 2015
So, I finally landed a job in a video store at a local supermarket. The thing is, even though I've already worked two shifts and have a general idea of what to do, I feel like a nervous wreck. I don't know how else to explain it. I start getting this odd sense of dread about an hour or two before I have to go. My hands start feeling all tingly and I get second thoughts. I stutter and talk too fast. When I'm actually there, I feel like an outsider. I'm also not really much of a social person, but I have to constantly communicate with people on top of trying to figure out how everything works. People are really judgmental these days, so I seriously do not wanna screw up, but it can just seem overwhelming at times.

Has anyone else experienced something like this? How did you overcome it?


Smash Ace
May 12, 2015
The key thing to remember here, is that its just a job. When you put on your work uniform/clothes, you have to stop caring what people think. If you accidentally tell someone the fruit is in the wrong place, they'll get over it. And if they hate you, so be it, you probably will never see them again anyway.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 13, 2015
South Carolina
It's normal to be nervous about new things. I think the most important thing to know is that you should not fear being judged. I understand that it is unpleasant to be judged, and I hate it, but people who judge are not people worth listening to. If you can think of being judged as simply dealing with an annoying person I think it would help. I think you'll have to get used to the communication though. It's normally necessary for just about any job. Just remember that you don't have to be a social person to communicate with others. I actually haven't ever had a job, but I'm sure that when I do, I'll feel a bit overwhelmed in the beginning. In sure it'll feel much better once you get used to it. If you can calm yourself and convince yourself that there is nothing to worry about, I'm sure you'll feel better. Congrats on getting the job!


Lurker By Nature
Jul 7, 2015
Switch FC
Congratulations on the job, first of all.

Now, when it comes to nervousness for me, I'm always nervous about something important, whether it be from something for school or going out on a date. I have a bit of social anxiety, as well, so I always tend to isolate myself from everyone except for people I happen to be good friends with. This is because I'm afraid of messing up or putting myself on the spot.

Usually when I deal with this, I just make do with my nervousness and try not to let it affect my performance. Usually a couple of deep breaths and some fresh air can really help me relax. That tends to work in my favor, and it helps ease my nerves.
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