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True Ultimate Gamers


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2006
Gainesville Fl
Top 10 list I made out of boredom, and its totally biased.

(10) DaShizWiz "SSBM": If this guy isn't the best Falco players in the world, then he is definitely the best in the nation. In my eyes this guy beat M2King. I don't know the guy but he looks like a cool person from what Ive seen; great Character.

(9) Billy Mitchell "Pac Man": Old School Pac Man player that has achieved perfection in that game http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SKZxvDQryA#t=0m39s

(8) Jin8 "Tetris Grand Master" Lets see you do this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwC544Z37qo#t=5m01s nuff said

(7) Itabashi "Virtua Fighter 5": Top Virtua Fighter player in the world; everytime I read something about competitive Virtua Fighter 5, I see this guy's name. Virtua Fighter is recognized as the most complex fighter, with a huge skill gap, and the game is very balanced. You see every character used in competitive play so If you are the best at this game you truly deserve it, because that tells how much time you put into the game.

(6) Korean "Starcraft" professional players: If you haven't heard, these guys are treated like rockstars over in South Korea. I heard they put in a minimum of 8 hours of day in practice which isn't anything to them probably; just another day at work. There is a team of them that live in one house, one room with bunks, another with a room full of computers. These guys eat sleep and train together http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=95263

(5) Tomo Ohira "Street Fighter 2 Hyper Fighting" This guy is considered a legend in the StreetFighter community. Being featured in EGM magazines, he was one of the best players back in?? I want to say 93', along with Mike Wattson and Jeff Schaeffer.

Interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyTuLRDbS_w

You should definitely check out some old school Streetfighter vids on youtube. A guy has a Streetfighter 2 tournament footage dating back to 1994.

(4) Tom Taylor, aka Tsquared "Halo": The leader MLG 2008 Halo Champions "Str8 Rippin", he is one of the top Halo players, this guy has been featured on "MTV True Life" along with SSBM player KillaOR, and the all female counterstrike team GX3. This guy is a dedicated player; playing 10 hours a day and all. Back when he was just getting started in competitive gaming, he used to save his lunch money so he could use it to compete in tournaments. Well, that dedication payed off, because now the guy is being sponsored by Dr. Pepper http://www.mlgpro.com/content/news/263514/Tsquared-Spotted-in-White-House

and check out the Team's house they practice in http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/ind....viewPicture&friendID=6739267&albumId=2772459.

(3) Justin Wong "Marvel vs Capcom 2/Streetfighter 4" I would think everybody knows who Justin Wong is, The SF4 national champion. He got his start with Marvel vs Capcom going into the arcades, then one day he went to a tournament with a bunch of other guys. I believe he place 1st at that tournament(ECC? I forget), and it went on from there. The guy accelled at multiple fighting games and was successful.

(2) Fatal1ty "Quake 3" Fatal1ty, the most successful professional gamer. He is an entrepreneur having his own business selling all kinds of high quality PC product. This guy is the "Justin Wong" of PC FPS games because he accelled at multiple games such as "Quake", "Unreal Tournament" "Painkiller" ect. all of these games take a tremendous amount of skill to play, with huge skill gaps. I would be lucky to get a score of 0 playing against a top player, because of them putting pressure on me, and I end up killing myself. So you would really have to put in the time and practice playing these games. His training regiment consist of 8 hours or more of playing, and running 2 miles in the evening to keep help keep his stamina up tournaments, and to keep his neurotransmitters working properly. Now because he handled himself so well being a professional gamer and an entrepreneur, the guy is now a successful millionaire.

(1) ??? you decide

What are your thoughts on this, discuss, and please forgive my ignorance on this subject.
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