.................lol ill respond later school
Edit: hank mcCoy ur obviously not expierenced enuff on the boards about sheik combo vids. it's ok ill just tell u
Sheik in combo vids are known for usually just doing tilts. But my combo vid had a lot of creativity that I nor anyone else has seen in a combo video. That is one of the main things about new stuff. But there will always be those random people that play stupid, or don't know what I'm talking about and says some random nub crap. Once again, I added new stuff that people have not seen in combo videos. If you do it already, good job.
And what is the point in telling me the only true sheiks you know is Drephen and Isai? My combo video had nothing to do with Isai only with Drephen and that was a thank you comment basically.
I don't care the only sheiks you truly know are Drephen and Isai. They have nothing to do with me.
So before you post about saying you already do this new stuff, then don't watch it. Wtf is a point in watching a combo video and then complaining after it?
first off, i've been on the boards longer than you have. second off, im not saying you are a bad player, i know for a fact you are good. third off, shiek combo videos are stupid, is what i'm saying. i re-watched just to make sure (though i really didnt need to i did it as a courtesy), and i'm right. you did basic shiek stuff, but the thing is, ALL of shieks stuff is basic. ill go over all the things you did in the vid.
1. jabs / tilts ---> grab / dsmash = basic shiek stuff
2. needles ----> whatever = basic shiek stuff
3. edgeguarding (all forms) = basic shiek stuff
4. infinite ledge stall = basic shiek stuff
5. bair / fair spam = basic shiek stuff
the only remotely "new" thing was a random upb on the stage, which seemed more like a joke/accident. what im getting at is that there is no real super technical or flashy stuff with shiek, she's just not a good character to do a combo video of unless you have a REALLY unique style like drephen or isai. your style is a fast shiek. there are tons of those out there, becasue they are so effective (dsf, you, mew2king, kdj, although kdj's is so aggressive that it could classify as its own style). isai and drephen are the only 2 people that can have that kind of shiek and get away with it.
the biggest point is that im not insulting you or anything you did in the video, im just saying that it wasn't really necessary to make the video.