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Tournament Mode discourages aggressive play, and handicaps bigs.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 30, 2014
I main Wario, but I've been playing tourney with Bowser and Ganon lately.

The time limit thing really hurts bigs like Bowser and Ganon against evaders and projectile users.

Why try and fight them head on when you can just rack up damage from far away and run up the score? Even if the stocks are tied at the end the big guys rack up the most damage because they're slow and don't fly as far.

Been playing Bowser the last few hours and the main strategy seems to be play from the otherside of the map, run up the score because time limit is shorter than actual For Glory matches anyways.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2013
How long is the time limit then? FG is pretty short already.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 30, 2014
For 1 stock that is still pretty decent.
It's two stock. If both are still alive no matter what the stock differential is, the winner is whoever has the most Hit Percentage Given. So theoretically I could still lose if I'm up 2-1 in stocks but he gave me more damage.

I just played in the final, and played a Samus who played keep away the entire time. I won the first stock, and then time ran out I was at 91% and he at 115% and I lost the FINAL.

At LEAST make the Final 5 minute regular for glory rules. Not this stupid hit percentage garbage.
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Radical Larry

Smash Lord
Mar 19, 2014
The Pocket Dimension
While you might complain about the time in tournament mode, the real thing that you'd need to hate is...well...
The fact opponents will grab items from a distance or have equipment on.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 27, 2008
Cosmos was playing custom tourneys on stream a few days ago and he won 4 tourneys in a row by stalling with a high jump/speed jigglypuff. Get a 30% lead and then stall off screen until time runs out

It was kind of funny
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Splooshi Splashy

Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2015
3 Minutes; That's how long the in-game YouTube uploads of matches can be, according to the game itself. With this in mind, I doubt it's merely a coincidence that Regular Tourney matches are generally 3 minutes long when the rules feature 2 stocks. Yet we can't save replays of any matches that occur in the Regular Tournies room for some reason, despite being able to save replays everywhere else online. Does the match footage become lost to the void after the Regular Tourney is said & done? Or are they saved elsewhere, like when live-streamers archive the footage?

I myself tend to pick the Regular Tourney rooms that allow for Customs &/or Miis (even the *gasp* For Fun & No Assist rooms), because:

1. They don't seem to be immediately filled up by the time the last 4 minutes or so roll around, so I actually have a shot at being admitted to a Regular Tourney room, plus I don't want to have to wait more than 3 minutes inside the Regular Tourney room before I get actual matches (the non-Regular Tourney room (aka the 1st screen that shows up, the moment you enter Tourney Mode) would be more of a go-to place in-between Regular Tourney waiting times, if I could stop somehow winding up in the "Ghost Town" rooms during my search for Customs On matches). I also don't want to run the risk of signing up for a Regular Tourney room that will ultimately get cancelled, due to not enough players having signed up for it, hence my backing in 'n out of the Regular Tourney lobby until the last 2 minutes to refresh the amount of players joined count. The 8 players minimum rule is a thing, why? I wouldn't mind being in really short Tournies featuring 7 or less players in it, since some of us would want quick-ending Tournies to maximize actual fight time, especially now that, for some of us, school's back in session, limiting the amount of fight time we can have.

2. As a Pro-Customs/Miis fanboy who continues exploring the Custom Loadouts meta (often through the lens of :4duckhunt: at his Character Board's MU thread, for the Jr board's MU thread is much less active than his), even in the face of a competitive world that, as of right here right now as a whole (exceptions do exist, such as Nova Scotia, PressStartGaming's monthlies, Super Nova Smash weeklies, and more somewhere out there (I hope), and I'm very happy & glad for that.), seem to have effectively driven Customs to extinction, I take solace in Tourney Mode being the one room online outside of the For Friends room where Custom Loadouts can actually be used, which is what I've wanted to do in Sm4sh since day one. I report my findings of the Customs meta at the Character Boards' MU threads regardless in the hopes that somewhere out there, a tournament or two with Customs ON will be hosted, and that there is someone out there who will come to Smashboards for Custom Loadout ideas in preparation for such events. I also want to run some of my favorite Custom characters online, like 2322 :4palutena:, 312x/313x :4duckhunt:, xx2x/xx1x :4ludwig:, 1312/2312 :4drmario:, x32x :4wiifit:, x313 :4charizard:, and so many more, who quite frankly don't show up very often when Customs are off, especially :4palutena:. 2322 Customtena is very hype & :cool:, especially when I'm lucky enough to get to fight at Battlefield, Town & City, Lylat Cruise, Delfino, Halberd, and especially Dream Land 64. So yeah, the possibility to fight at legal stages like Smashville, Duck Hunt, and Castle Siege (hope you're someone like Customzard w/ Side 3 or Custom Jr w/ Side 2 when the walk-offs appear... :troll:) are another reason why I pick the non-Glory Regular Tournies.

3. As I have probably stated a few times before, I'm not really a 1-on-1 kind of guy in Sm4sh, despite what my many posts in the Character Boards' MU Threads might suggest (I DO mention FG Teams meta in some of my posts there for us online warriors). In virtually every other fighting game in the world where that's practically the ONLY way to play, I'm down with 1v1s. Here in Sm4sh where FFAs and especially Teams are available, not so much.

I too wish the winner was decided by the percent lead, and especially the stock lead like in actual tournaments, for that would reward the heavier characters that can hold on to their stocks longer than others, especially with good DI & Vectoring. As a :4bowserjr: main myself, I would love this, considering how heavy he is, how good his recovery is, and how much he benefits from rage.
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Smash Apprentice
Nov 30, 2014
3 Minutes;
I too wish the winner was decided by the percent lead, and especially the stock lead like in actual tournaments, for that would reward the heavier characters that can hold on to their stocks longer than others, especially with good DI & Vectoring. As a :4bowserjr: main myself, I would love this, considering how heavy he is, how good his recovery is, and how much he benefits from rage.
This is why I only make it to Semi/Final in Medium/Large with Ganon and Bowser. By those rounds, I face a player that's skilled enough to play keep away and just rack up damage on me. They may kill me first, and then I come back and tie it, but then I have to take damage just to get close enough to give them some while they barrage with keep away tactics.

For instance, I played a Sheik.

On the first stocks, I got as high as 170% with Bowser, while I killed his Sheik at 95% when I connected with F-Smash. I didn't allow his Sheik to hit me with any knockout blows, only rack up damage with keep away needles. The second stock, I was at 80% and he at 110%, but he kept running away in the last 30 seconds. Guess my reaction when "This Game's Winner Is..." and the heavy metal Mushroom Kingdom theme didn't come on.


And I posted this in the FG rant thread.

Nintendo needs to wake up and see that a lot of their NON FG gimmick rooms are not being used ever. It's so annoying to see only 2-3 iterations of a 1v1 For Glory tourney, and they fill up so fast, that I have to get a spot in a room and wait for 9-15 minutes to play the next one. They could solve this by just adding more of the Small,Medium,Large 1v1 For Glory tourneys. I have to scroll down many of their empty gimmick tourneys just to find another 1v1 FG. It's by far the most popular version of their preset tourneys.
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