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Ton of problems on a good PC ! Help! D:


Smash Rookie
Oct 10, 2015
Hello, I've decided to play more Project M on Dolphin Emulator. However, the control input feels very lagging, and I've notice that it does not always response to my input. Like, the C-stick doesn't always work.

Also, I can't find a proper way to remove screen tier as most people recommend not having V-Sync. Yet, the screen-tier is noticeable.

I also have a few hiccups during battle. I don't know why since I have a great PC!

My specs are:
Nvidia 970 4GB
i7 4970k @ 4.4GHZ
12GBs of DDR3 Ram
Windows 10 Home Edition

I use a HP monitor that has a native resolution of 1600 x 900 with a refresh rate of 60hz. , but I've also tried it on TV, and I can still notice the lag.

Please help! I've look up some guides, but it still causes my problems! My friends even complain how noticeably awkward the movements are, yet in many streams, I see people making fast moves without struggles.


Smash Rookie
Dec 17, 2013
I'm also getting the hiccups during battle over here. Interestingly enough, I also have an Nvidia GTX 970 and an i7-4790k on Windows 10, so I'm guessing if anyone solves this it'll do us both good. I'm running Dolphin 4.0-7960 and I've tried both the SD loaded version and the injected ISO and I'm experiencing the same issue on both.

As for the controller, which adapter are you using? You either have a bad adapter or a calibration issue. Go to Controllers -> Configure and see if the sticks are behaving correctly. The red dot should go just outside the gray envelope in all 4 directions. If they aren't, check your radius (it should be at 100) or download DXTweak and recalibrate it. If they are, I'm not sure what's going on.

Also it might be helpful to say which version of dolphin you are using. Smashladder recommends 4.0-7840, but I didn't see much of a difference between the two versions.
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 11, 2015
You shouldn't be disabling Vsync entirely--disable the native Dolphin Vsync and force it through the Nvidia Control Panel. And while you're there, make sure that the power management mode is set to "prefer maximum performance." As for the hiccups in battle, I don't know for sure, but it could just be the shader cache compiling, which happens the first time a certain shader is used. Could you post your Dolphin settings? As for the control issues, you should check the Dolphin input configuration to make sure your controls are properly being registered. What controller are you using?
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Smash Champion
Jan 16, 2014
Ventura, CA
Controller lag is likely related to the adapter not the pc.

As for screen tearing, all you can do is overclock the monitor or enable vsync.

Hiccups are probably from shaders being generated which won't happen as frequently the more you play and the shaders get cached.
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