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To all ssb rom editors, please fulfill a few dreams.

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Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2013
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Fox only, remove up b, laser, and down b.

Holding Z charges power up, if close to an enemy it's block. If in mid air, tapping z activates flying, stay in place and can fly in the direction of choosing.

R is used for speed. While pressed you move faster while flying, quick dashes in a direction.

Tapping B sends small powered homing projectiles, and if powered up by holding Z enough, you can send a larger, non-homing smash projectile.


Dbz. Please give us a DBZ game we all deserve!!

I got the idea from this, http://www.txori.com/index.php?static5/dbzdevolution#.U7xBS_ldXjI

Neat concept and its pretty fun. Simple DBZ mechanics, regularly melee attack, a dash attack that hitstuns opponent. Charging up to send KI attacks, which could be represented by growing shields in ssb, and when the shield gets full sized it just goes back down but to a different color to match power level. The ki attacks in this game work exactly as I stated above, low level homing attacks that can be blocked by powering up and larger one direction ki attacks that you must atleast have one full charge for.

Honestly, fox dittos are the closest thing to a DBZ game that's actually fun and hard, at least for good fox's who know how to move really fast.
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