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Tirkaro's top 10 LEAST favorite games


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
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Yeah, what a way to start off my blog, eh? Start it off with what may not be complete flamebait. Anyway, while I can't buy as much games as everyone else, there's still plenty of crap I've played over the years. and here's a list of them:


Not was much of a bad game as it was just disappointing. I looked at this game thinking it was the most awesome thing since awesome itself. I mean, it's made by square enix, and the box looks totally awesome! So I instantly bought this game. And what I got was a boring, uninspired beat-em-up. Yippie. The characters were way too cool to have been wasted on a game as dull as this.

9:The Subspace Emissary.

Yes, I pretty much blame everything wrong with brawl on the SSE. It's just a giant, ugly, leeching parasite/mole hybrid on the already ugly face of brawl. As I said before in another thread, it was way too long and repetitive, and the higher difficulties feel REALLY artificial. The story was bad and had no dialogue, the enemies were lame and uncreative, and overall, was a complete waste of budget, time, and space. Honestly, I used to absolutely hate the melee adventure mode, but after playing the SSE, I now realize how much of a genius work of art it is.

8:Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World

Basically a dumbed down budokai 3. What a rip.

7:Battle Stadium DON.

Yet another complete letdown. I mean, it's like smash bros. but with Dragonball, One Piece, and, um, some other show about ninjas, I think someone talked about it on the internet once. But hey, if it's like smash, it MUST be awesome, rite?
I wasn't rite.
It's like smash, but slower and clunkier, lack of balance, and shallow gameplay. So, in short, it's pretty much like brawl. (BADUM, tssh!). That, and it also has an incredibly ******** way of unlocking characters, having something to do with a slot machine or something.

6:Bleach: shattered blade

ok, seriously, 3 anime fighters in a row? What the hell?
Anyway, I remember seeing way back, before the wii was even released, the trailer for this game, and I came buckets. I didn't even know anything about bleach (and still don't)and it still looked amazing. But I had to go through the torment of not playing the game, as it was not released in america, and that twilight hack contraption didn't exist yet. So when it FINALLY released in america.... I wasn't as hyped, but I bought it anyway, and it's a crappy wiimote waggler. However, vs crusade looks awesome, I mean, it's by treasure, right!? So there's no way it can suck again, right? RIGHT!? <font size="10">(
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