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Tips or Help of Any Kind?

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Smash Cadet
Mar 13, 2015
I can not beat any one on for glory. I know that sounds awful but apparently awful players say awful things lol. Every game I play ends up me maybe getting a stick off of my opponent but far to late. I usually play Dedede or puff (that could be a problem) I've been trying charizard and pikachu also but to no avail. Should I try a new character or what? If so any tips broskis?


Smash Cadet
Dec 17, 2015
It can be tough just starting out, I know, because I am lol. When I first started I couldn't really beat anyone on FG either, my crappy internet didn't really help, but that's another issue. I can only give you broad strokes advice really, which is probably all you need.

I'd personally try to become better at the basics of the game. Like spacing out your attacks, becoming more accurate with your attacks, becoming less predictable, punishing your opponent's unsafe options. I personally don't think character choice makes that much of a difference in your situation, play who you like to play and that should be fine.

Watch videos of matches and tutorials, read things about the game, etc.

Practicing the game will help of course, find friends to play with and if that's not an option IRL find some folks online who won't mind helping you train up some.

And finally, don't let the losses get to you mentally, learn from them then let it go, don't get too upset about losing because if you commit yourself you will get better, no doubt.


Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2013
The best advice I can give is to try and find someone on For Glory that is similar to your skill level and play matches with them as long as you can or until they leave. If someone bodies you every match then you're better off leaving and finding someone else before your confidence goes down the drain.
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