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Tips for Luigi Movement


Deleted member

Since Luigi is a pretty strong secondary for me in Melee, I wanna know from you guys personally, how do you usually control Luigi?

I mean like, Wavelanding, Wavedashing, Dash Dancing, etc.

I like to use platforms to get around my enemy, I wavedash pretty good, and overall, I can control Luigi really well. But I always feel like there's something missing when it comes to this character, like something extra I can do to really help me play better.


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2011
In The Year of Luigi
Wavedash constantly, its his movement bascially. VuduDashes are fun and can create mindgames, not to mention finish a combo.

2nd: Don't be too defensive. It can cost you.


Smash Rookie
Dec 9, 2012
Elmsford, NY
Basically you should always be moving. Also, you should almost exclusively be wavedashing. A lot of players also aren't prepared for jump > waveland on platform > falling aerial (usually f-air); it's very effective.

Deleted member

Basically you should always be moving. Also, you should almost exclusively be wavedashing. A lot of players also aren't prepared for jump > waveland on platform > falling aerial (usually f-air); it's very effective.
I do that a lot, but I **** it up by air dodging haha. I'll work on that, thanks :)
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