I've considered getting a sparring partner, but do I really want to lose 50 million times in a row?
I see this question come up a lot with struggling players, and I've had to deal with it quite a few times myself.
"What's the point of playing this game when I lose all the time?"
The truth is, there's no point in playing when you win all the time either. If you won every match, it would get boring, and you'd find something else to challenge yourself. Sure, there are Smash tournaments where you make a lot of money for winning, but majority of us aren't a pro player yet.
I think the best way to play Smash is to play to learn, rather than play to win. Learn more about your character, learn more about other people's characters. Try new characters. Figure out what your mistakes are and fix them. Nobody likes losing, I sure don't. But you have to accept the fact that you have to lose in order to improve yourself, and eventually, win.
Of course this doesn't work with everyone, but I recommend you at least give playing to learn a try before you put Smash down for good.
If you ever need a sparring partner feel free to PM me, we've played before anyway.