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tips for a new wolf player


Smash Journeyman
Jan 5, 2008
hey, ok i've just picked up wolf im on the side of wanting him to be one of my mains just wondering if you guys would shoot a few tip up's down's to wolf for me (i'd like to stay a lil off the spam side)

since i also main sonic if anybody wants could you suggest a good approach?

thanks in advance

Captain Sa10

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2007
Us fellow wolf players would love to keep you away from the spamming type wolf(unless necessary in case of the blaster which should be spammed in a controlled progression) so I'll enlighten you on a few of wolf's unique abilites.

Scarring- this is basically after grabbing the edge of a stage, by falling away from the stage with the proper distance and such, immediately pressing over B to cause wolf to fly "through"/"scar" the stage and land in a safe area away from edgeguards(your assured a spike if it hits, of course it's not the best spike).

0 Lag Fair- Basically fairing in conjuction with jumping at the exact time, canceling all of the fair's landing lag. If you Fast fall after this, the lag will not be canceled, and it would be as if you simply did a short hop Fair.

Wall Of Wolf- Utilizing wolf's bair as a tool to edgeguard or restrict your opponents options.

Reflector- This is not to be treated as fox's or falco's reflector, and is used mostly upon the defensive meausre(wolf's reflector contains invicibilty frames where he'll take no damage and immediately "counter" with the reflector stunning your enemy for a small moment). If you ever want to be extremely good with wolf, you'll learn the offensive sides of the reflector as well.

Blaster-Spammable but in moderation. Mix-up your blaster approaches to keep them guessing.

Your best smash..D-smash-nothing said..use it...with a mixture of f-smash as well.

Juggling with Uair- Extremely useful. Learn to use your Uair properly as it is another good move in wolf's array.

Dont forget the Tilts- Of all, f-tilt and d-tilt(if placed correctly trips) are his best tilt's. ALthough Up tilt is a good follow up after a Nair(which has virtually no lag), of course you can follow up with an Up-smash which is just as effective.

Nair- Hands down one of wolf's most versatile moves and the easiest to combo into.

Learn to use his throws properly-His best throw(argueably) is his D-throw. THe other throws are useful as well but it's one of the best.

-Learn to recover properly.
-Read the "Essence Of Wolf"(it'll help with approachs and such and clarify some of the things I stated)
-Read the In depth guide on his reflector(you'll understand the effectiveness of the reflector)
-Watch Aqua's Wolf: expose for new wolf players(it'll relay most of this stuff together)
-Watch vids from the Wolf Video thread and other wolf's in the wolf boards.

That should be all xD, have fun


Smash Journeyman
Jan 5, 2008
Us fellow wolf players would love to keep you away from the spamming type wolf(unless necessary in case of the blaster which should be spammed in a controlled progression) so I'll enlighten you on a few of wolf's unique abilites.

Scarring- this is basically after grabbing the edge of a stage, by falling away from the stage with the proper distance and such, immediately pressing over B to cause wolf to fly "through"/"scar" the stage and land in a safe area away from edgeguards(your assured a spike if it hits, of course it's not the best spike).

0 Lag Fair- Basically fairing in conjuction with jumping at the exact time, canceling all of the fair's landing lag. If you Fast fall after this, the lag will not be canceled, and it would be as if you simply did a short hop Fair.

Wall Of Wolf- Utilizing wolf's bair as a tool to edgeguard or restrict your opponents options.

Reflector- This is not to be treated as fox's or falco's reflector, and is used mostly upon the defensive meausre(wolf's reflector contains invicibilty frames where he'll take no damage and immediately "counter" with the reflector stunning your enemy for a small moment). If you ever want to be extremely good with wolf, you'll learn the offensive sides of the reflector as well.

Blaster-Spammable but in moderation. Mix-up your blaster approaches to keep them guessing.

Your best smash..D-smash-nothing said..use it...with a mixture of f-smash as well.

Juggling with Uair- Extremely useful. Learn to use your Uair properly as it is another good move in wolf's array.

Dont forget the Tilts- Of all, f-tilt and d-tilt(if placed correctly trips) are his best tilt's. ALthough Up tilt is a good follow up after a Nair(which has virtually no lag), of course you can follow up with an Up-smash which is just as effective.

Nair- Hands down one of wolf's most versatile moves and the easiest to combo into.

Learn to use his throws properly-His best throw(argueably) is his D-throw. THe other throws are useful as well but it's one of the best.

-Learn to recover properly.
-Read the "Essence Of Wolf"(it'll help with approachs and such and clarify some of the things I stated)
-Read the In depth guide on his reflector(you'll understand the effectiveness of the reflector)
-Watch Aqua's Wolf: expose for new wolf players(it'll relay most of this stuff together)
-Watch vids from the Wolf Video thread and other wolf's in the wolf boards.

That should be all xD, have fun

that was extremly useful i didnt think anybody would post that much was expecting it to come in pieces :laugh: thanks alot :)

dream theater

Smash Cadet
Apr 24, 2008
I guess I am a noob when it comes to these terms but what are


and anything relative to that

I just call his moves up+b or side smash or down smash in the air and whatnot like that..?


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Kelowna, BC Canada
I guess I am a noob when it comes to these terms but what are


and anything relative to that

I just call his moves up+b or side smash or down smash in the air and whatnot like that..?
fsmash= Front Smash
Usmash= Upsmash
Fair= Front Air
Tilts= Over A, Down A, Up A a.k.a. Strong Attacks
Dair= Down Air
Dthrow= down throw
Nair- Neutral Air

dream theater

Smash Cadet
Apr 24, 2008
fsmash= Front Smash
Usmash= Upsmash
Fair= Front Air
Tilts= Over A, Down A, Up A a.k.a. Strong Attacks
Dair= Down Air
Dthrow= down throw
Nair- Neutral Air
Up smash meaning up+smash
Front air meaning......... side+smash?
Over A meaning jumping in the air and pressing up+a or smash then same thing for down
down air? up+b going down? I dunno
down throw just pushing down when you have them in a grab
and neutral air.. im gonna have to say shielding while in the air causing them to miss?

THanks for explaining though.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Kelowna, BC Canada
Up smash meaning up+smash
Front air meaning......... side+smash?
Over A meaning jumping in the air and pressing up+a or smash then same thing for down
down air? up+b going down? I dunno
down throw just pushing down when you have them in a grab
and neutral air.. im gonna have to say shielding while in the air causing them to miss?

THanks for explaining though.
you got up smash and dthrow right
Front air means jumping and pushing the control stick the direction your character is facing and pressing the A button
Down air is jumping and pressing down+a
neutral air is jumping and pressing A without inputting a direction. Aka X + A
You guess to what neutral air is is called an Air Dodge.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2008
St. Louis
ok so bair is back air too

so how do i scarr

the explanation wasnt too clear about
You have to Wolf Flash into the side of the level. If you do it right, you will actually go 'through' the level, not grab the ledge, and end up sweet-spotting anyone standing on top. If you do it right, you don't even have to push down not to grab the edge. It can only be done on stages that have a vertical face below the edge, if you try it on FD you'll just kill yourself. Basically, it's an alternative to edgehopping that is freaking awesome and makes it extremely hard to stop Wolf from getting back on the level safely once he grabs the edge. Practice on Battlefield by grabbing the edge, holding away with the control stick, doing a small hop so you're slightly below the ledge, and then using side-b.


Smash Cadet
Dec 20, 2006
Or you could just flick the Control stick back then side-B immediately. SH side-B will usually put you above onto the stage (therefore missing the scarring) or do something we call "telestep," which is just instantly appearing on the edge or under it. Telestepping would be useful, if it wasn't so random. You can mid-air jump and Up-B if you telestep.

dream theater

Smash Cadet
Apr 24, 2008
Oh ok thanks, now I can 0 lag fair and scar, my friends won't beat me at all now. (not that they ever could)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2008
St. Louis
I need help with it, I keep trying to scar on battlefield and everytime I either hit the bottom, grab the edge or fly the other way, how do I go through? does somebody have to be there or something.
No, you just need to get the timing down. Build a custom stage with long block ledges (so it's more than one layer of block) and practice doing it there. You should do it right below where the edge is.

Battlefield is harder to scar because it's a small area to hit. That's kinda why I suggested it.

dream theater

Smash Cadet
Apr 24, 2008
Hmm so I guess I'll try working with it on a custom stage, but I really wanna be able to try it on battle field its very tough, I tried many times.


Smash Rookie
Apr 30, 2008
im pretty new at this but what i've seen from playing with wolf is that you should fsmash when you see that your oponent lets his guard down and up+b him after jugling him.(again im new at this and i haven't played much.please don't call me a noob.)
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