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Tips against R.O.B.


Smash Rookie
Jun 30, 2008
I'm having trouble fighting a R.O.B with Wolf...............

Their airs, tilts, and projectiles are too much for me to handle. Not to mention that cheap side step dodge to Down smash tactic they use. One I've played against would dodge roll to no end and grab or down smash half of the time. Others would throw that god forsaken gyro to mess me up, or B air/N air and just destroy my means of approaching effectively.

Anyone care to help?


Smash Lord
May 30, 2008
Bloomington, MN
Use reflector, lasers, etc. Try and predict movement. I'm not too hot on tips though. I'm good at taking them, but I think seeing a video of it would be more helpful. Other than that, can't say much. I'm no professor on ROB though.

With that in mind, try looking at the ROB board to find weaknesses and/or better understand him. That way, it'll be easier to counter.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
do a short hop bair towards him, then before u land, jump up and do another bair as u land (and try to DI so that he can't just shield grab u)


Smash Ace
Jan 23, 2004
Wolf is easily edge guarded by him and his bair is easily space by robs nair. Fsmash gets beat by robs ground game and its hard to hit rob with dsmash. Diagnosis: play a different character.


Smash Cadet
May 20, 2006
I'm having somewhat similar problems. Wolf's good ground game is totally messed up by that **** downsmash. So far what's been happening is that if I fsmash, he shields -> crazy fast downsmash. So now all I can do is be super campy and laser a lot, and then quickly approach with bairs, and attempt to push him off the screen. Almost no fsmash for me. And almost no dsmash, because his is so much faster and bigger.

One thing about this matchup is that Wolf can be super hard to approach. (Or maybe the ROB that plays me sucks? =P) Blaster spam + reflector for gyro and laser means that ROB has to approach you. The ROB I play approaches with bair, and jumping away and following with Wolf's awesome bair in return has been good for me so far. Shieldgrabbing is out due to the huge knockback. However, almost everything can be shieldgrabbed... ground approaches are lasered and then grabbed. =P

Basically, every time I see ROB start to spotdodge, it's roll away and laser time. Actually, it almost never gets to that stage, as you're far away lasering him. And if he gets close, bair can be spaced pretty well.

Also, it's nice that if you reflector the first shot of the gyro, it becomes "your" item... ROB gets hurt if he touches it. =P Basically, reflector is your friend.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 25, 2008
Philadelphia area
You can DI out of ROB's downsmash. Practice that. Learn to mix up your recovery so he can't gimp you as easily, use the reflector as a defensive tactic to get out of situations where he's pressuring you, and keep your best KO moves fresh.

If you find he is punishing your fsmash a lot you need to use it less. Fsmash should not really be used as an approaching tactic or really in a very offensive way. Its strength is that because of its range, it allows you to easily punish whiffed moves and do good damage in the process. Use that move to punish ROB when he makes a mistake, rather than in situations where he is able to guard it and punish you.
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