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Tips against a Kirby?


Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2005
I hate Kirby. >_< My friend mains him and it seems he is one of Mario's worst match ups.

The recovery is nearly impossible to gimp. Kirby is stronger on the ground and in the air, and seems to be faster, too. He's much higher on the tier list, and continually makes me regret choosing Mario as a main.


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
Never regret being a Mario main. Believe it or not, Kirby is actually not that hard of a match-up. You just need to play your cards right.

Kirby is one of those characters you shouldn't bother trying to gimp (unless he's really sloppy with Up-B). Instead, your gimp kills would be coming from F-air spikes. It's the only way to get a gimp kill when fighting Kirby.

Remember, Kirby only has one projectile, which is not spamable at all (Up-B). Therefore, you need to spam fireballs. Fireballs will stop his ground approachs which will allow you to follow-up with an attack. I suggest a SH U-air for combo setup.

(EDIT: Kirby's copy ability can give him the fireball, but honestly you should be making better use of it than he is.)

Kirby's aerial approach is harder to deal with, but can be combatted. Mario's attacks faster than Kirby's, so it's just a matter of priority.

The -real- problem with Kirby is that these fights take a long time, so it's more of a test of endurance. Stay defensive, punish when possible, and try hard to not take any consecutive hits.


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
To add to what HeroMystic said, my secondary is Kirby. I've tried copying the fireball. It has no range and only does like 2% damage. It's horrible. Don't worry about anything if Kirby does copy you.


Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2005

So spam fireballs like crazy. That makes sense.

Most of my trouble is in the air, because...it's Kirby, and he seems to dominate in the air. Should I try to lure him to the ground? Any time I try to hit him with an Uair or Bair he always hits me first. I suppose I need to learn to space those attacks more, because I don't really utilize the range on them.

If I were to get a video up, right now I can only get it against a computer. Still, it'll show the basics of my faulty playstyle, right?

mario brawler

Smash Journeyman
Dec 30, 2007
Playing Brawl until I have a seizure,nah im kiddin
I feel your pain
kirby and lucas are just those characters I can't play(and freakin G&W but **** him)
kirby spaces extremly well,and will apraosh in the air 90% of the time
predict his DA appraoch,it's easily shield grabbed
block all his aerial approaches,and dont let him keep you at the edge,NEVER just stay away form him and fireball untill he DA aproaches again and punish from there,use bairs alot,time them well and you can hold your own on the air for quit a while especially doubleSH Bairs(you know how to do 2 bairs in a short hop I presume,dont take chances!you dont know ask! its important)
keep fireballin his recovery,but not with the intent to gimp but just to get an extra lil 10 percent in there
his F-smash's range is justannoying,along with its speed and power
WATCH OUT FOR D-air APPROACH those lead to a free fsmash if the kirby plays right
his D-throw can also lead to some combos,at early percents just dodge,at higher %'s do a dair
I hate kirby so much,I still have problems with him T__T


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
Kirby is a pretty boring but fairly easy matchup for Mario.

Spam fireballs like hell since Kirby's approach sucks. His dash attack is arguably his best approach, and that can be easily shieldgrabbed or Up-Bed out of shield.

If you need to approach Kirby, powershield one of his aerials and grab him as he lands or Up-B out of shield.

Up-angled F-smash is pretty good in this matchup.

There's other things. I'll point out Kirby is very good at edgeguarding which can be scary, but otherwise I don't think this matchup is bad at all. This matchup is pretty much just about playing gay and exploiting the fact Kirby is pretty predictable and likes to play defensively.
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